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Load the API package

use OpenAPIClient::Object::SendingApi;

All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
send_adv_mail POST /mail/advsend Sends an Email with Advanced Options
send_mail POST /mail/send Sends an Email


GenericResponse send_adv_mail(subject => $subject, body => $body, from => $from, to => $to, replyto => $replyto, cc => $cc, bcc => $bcc, attachments => $attachments, id => $id)

Sends an Email with Advanced Options

Sends An email through one of your mail orders allowing additional options such as file attachments, cc, bcc, etc.


use Data::Dumper;
use OpenAPIClient::SendingApi;
my $api_instance = OpenAPIClient::SendingApi->new(

    # Configure API key authorization: apiKeyAuth
    api_key => {'X-API-KEY' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'},
    # uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
    #api_key_prefix => {'X-API-KEY' => 'Bearer'},

my $subject = "subject_example"; # string | The subject or title of the email
my $body = "body_example"; # string | The main email contents.
my $from = new OpenAPIClient.EmailAddressName(); # EmailAddressName | 
my $to = [(new OpenAPIClient.EmailAddressName())]; # ARRAY[EmailAddressName] | A list of destionation email addresses to send this to
my $replyto = [(new OpenAPIClient.EmailAddressName())]; # ARRAY[EmailAddressName] | (optional) A list of email addresses that specify where replies to the email should be sent instead of the _from_ address.
my $cc = [(new OpenAPIClient.EmailAddressName())]; # ARRAY[EmailAddressName] | (optional) A list of email addresses to carbon copy this message to.  They are listed on the email and anyone getting the email can see this full list of Contacts who received the email as well.
my $bcc = [(new OpenAPIClient.EmailAddressName())]; # ARRAY[EmailAddressName] | (optional) list of email addresses that should receive copies of the email.  They are hidden on the email and anyone gettitng the email would not see the other people getting the email in this list.
my $attachments = [(new OpenAPIClient.MailAttachment())]; # ARRAY[MailAttachment] | (optional) File attachments to include in the email.  The file contents must be base64 encoded!
my $id = 789; # int | (optional)  ID of the Mail order within our system to use as the Mail Account.

eval {
    my $result = $api_instance->send_adv_mail(subject => $subject, body => $body, from => $from, to => $to, replyto => $replyto, cc => $cc, bcc => $bcc, attachments => $attachments, id => $id);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling SendingApi->send_adv_mail: $@\n";


Name Type Description Notes
subject string The subject or title of the email
body string The main email contents.
from EmailAddressName
to ARRAY[EmailAddressName] A list of destionation email addresses to send this to
replyto ARRAY[EmailAddressName] (optional) A list of email addresses that specify where replies to the email should be sent instead of the from address. [optional]
cc ARRAY[EmailAddressName] (optional) A list of email addresses to carbon copy this message to. They are listed on the email and anyone getting the email can see this full list of Contacts who received the email as well. [optional]
bcc ARRAY[EmailAddressName] (optional) list of email addresses that should receive copies of the email. They are hidden on the email and anyone gettitng the email would not see the other people getting the email in this list. [optional]
attachments ARRAY[MailAttachment] (optional) File attachments to include in the email. The file contents must be base64 encoded! [optional]
id int (optional) ID of the Mail order within our system to use as the Mail Account. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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GenericResponse send_mail(to => $to, from => $from, subject => $subject, body => $body)

Sends an Email

Sends an email through one of your mail orders. Note: If you want to send to multiple recipients or use file attachments use the advsend (Advanced Send) call instead.


use Data::Dumper;
use OpenAPIClient::SendingApi;
my $api_instance = OpenAPIClient::SendingApi->new(

    # Configure API key authorization: apiKeyAuth
    api_key => {'X-API-KEY' => 'YOUR_API_KEY'},
    # uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
    #api_key_prefix => {'X-API-KEY' => 'Bearer'},

my $to = "to_example"; # string | The Contact whom is the primary recipient of this email.
my $from = "from_example"; # string | The contact whom is the this email is from.
my $subject = "subject_example"; # string | The subject or title of the email
my $body = "body_example"; # string | The main email contents.

eval {
    my $result = $api_instance->send_mail(to => $to, from => $from, subject => $subject, body => $body);
    print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
    warn "Exception when calling SendingApi->send_mail: $@\n";


Name Type Description Notes
to string The Contact whom is the primary recipient of this email.
from string The contact whom is the this email is from.
subject string The subject or title of the email
body string The main email contents.

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
  • Accept: application/json

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