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WLX Statistics
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later. Check your current Java version with the command java -version. You can download Java 8 Development Kit from AdoptOpenJDK if you don't have Java 8 installed
- Set environment variables SCALAWIKI_LOGIN and SCALAWIKI_PASSWORD. Bot will not be able to save pages if these are not set. Bot accounts have higher limits and can download more information at once.
set SCALAWIKI_LOGIN=you wiki account login
set SCALAWIKI_PASSWORD=you wiki account password
java -Xmx2G -jar scalawiki-wlx-0.6.0.jar -campaign wle-ua -year=2019 -sy=2013 -new-object-rating 10 -new-author-object-rating 2 -authors-stat -regional-stat -gallery -wrong-ids -low-res
Bot automatically caches responses into files with extentsion *.wiki. Delete them to refetch the data.
Java by default uses a limited amount of memory (maximum heap size), wich is usually either 1/4 of system memory size or 1GB whichever amount is bigger. If bot does not have enough memory maximum heap size can be increased with a -Xmx flag. For example to give java 2GB of RAM add -Xmx2G option to the command line
[-h | --h | --help] Show this help message.
[-y | -year year] contest year.
[-sy | -startyear startyear] start year.
-campaign campaign upload campaign, like wlm-ua
[-region region] region code
[-exceptregion except regions] except region codes
[-city cities] cities
[-exceptcity exceptcities] except cities
[-new-object-rating new-object-rating] new object rating
[-new-author-object-rating new-author-object-rating] new author object rating
[-number-of-authors-bonus] number of authors bonus
[-number-of-images-bonus] number of images bonus
[-gallery] gallery
[-fill-lists] fill lists
[-wrong-ids] report wrong ids
[-low-res] report low resolution photos
[-special-nominations] report special nominations
[-regional-stat] report regional statistics
[-authors-stat] report authors statistics
[-regional-gallery] report regional gallery
[-missing-gallery] report missing galleries
sbt "runMain org.scalawiki.wlx.stat.Statistics -campaign wle-ua -year=2019 -sy=2013 -new-object-rating 10 -new-author-object-rating 2 -authors-stat -regional-stat -gallery"
Bot gathers WLE/WLM data and creates the following reports:
- Regional statistics - number of pictured monuments, images and uploaders by year and region, with diagrams of [overall number of pictured images grouped by contest year] (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WikiLovesEarthInUkrainePicturedByYearTotal.png), grouped by year and region, and uniqueness of the pictured monuments according to the year their pictures where uploaded
- Number of objects pictured by uploader - number of pictured objects ad images by author and region in the given contest year
- Total number of objects pictured by uploader during contest years - number of pictured objects ad images by author and region summed over all the contests years
- Number of new objects pictured by uploader - number of pictured objects ad images by author and region in the given contest year for objects that did not have images before
- Most photographed objects - most popular objects by number of authors and number of images total over the contest years as well as grouped by each contest year
- Special nominations statistics - Statistics about specific types of objects (libraries, Armenian, Greek or Crimean Tatars architecture, castles an fortresses, wooden architecture etc.) showing number of such objects pictures, number of images, image authors, and gallery with grouping by region (example)
- Images with bad ids - Gallery if images with wrong or absent pictured object Id grouped by author
- Images with less than specified number of megapixels - Gallery if images with resolution less than specified number of megapixels grouped by author