This is the WIP Rust IOTA Streams library, it consists of the following components:
- Channels Application featuring Channels Application.
- Core layers featuring utils for trinary/binary manipulations, sponge-based authenticated encryption with Troika permutation, pre-shared keys, pseudo-random generator;
- Keccak for core layers featuring Keccak-F[1600] as spongos transform;
- Traversable Merkle tree featuring traversable Merkle tree;
- Merkle signature featuring Merkle signature scheme over Winternitz one-time signature;
- NTRU key encapsulation featuring NTRU key encapsulation;
- Protobuf3 layer (not to be confused with Google's Protocol Buffers, though it was an inspiration for Protobuf3) featuring cryptographic message definition language;
- Application layer common Application definitions.
The library is in the alpha stage and the API is likely to change.
Table of contents |
Streams |
Prerequisites |
Getting started |
API reference |
Examples |
License |
IOTA Streams is a framework for cryptographic protocols called Applications. Streams ships with an existing application, called Channels. The Channels application builds on and extends functionality known from Masked Authenticated Messaging v0 and v1.0.
As a cryptographic protocol framework, Streams allows developers to build Applications for their specific needs. This process will be documented in how-tos that will be published as the development progresses.
To use the library, we recommend update your Rust to latest stable version rustup update stable
. Nightly should be fine too.
is not currently supported.
To use the library in your crate you need to add it as a dependancy in Cargo.toml
, as it's not on it must be added from git repository:
iota-streams = { git = "" }
Or you can clone the repository locally:
git clone
and add a dependency in Cargo.toml
in the following way:
iota-streams = { version = "0.1", path = "../streams" }
Optionally, you can run tests in the whole iota-streams
cd streams/
cargo test --all
Now you can use the Streams Channels Application in your code like this:
use iota_streams::app_channels::api::tangle::{Author, Subscriber};
fn main() {
let author = Author::new("AUTHORSSEED", 3, false);
let subscriber = Subscriber::new("SUBSCRIBERSSEED", false);
For a more comprehensive example of using the Streams Channels Application can be found here.
API reference can be generated with the following command:
cargo doc --open
Examples of using Channels Application can be found here.
The project is licensed under Apache 2.0/MIT license.