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IPVM Workflow Description Format


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IPVM Workflow Specification v0.1.0




The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.


0 Abstract

An IPVM Workflow is a declarative configuration that extends a UCAN Invocation. A Workflow provides everything required to execute one or more tasks: defaults, tasks and their dependencies, authorization, metadata, signatures, and so on.

1 Introduction

In late 1970 or early ’71 I approached IBM Canada’s Intellectual Property department to see if we could take out a patent on the basic idea [of dataflow]. Their recommendation, which I feel was prescient, was that this concept seemed to them more like a law of nature, which is not patentable.

J. Paul Morrison, Flow-Based Programming

The potential complexity of a fully distributed execution by untrusted peers is very high. IPVM Workflows reduce the number of possible states by forcing explicit handling of any dangerous effects. The IPVM Workflow spec is a declarative document that MAY be inspected, transmitted, logged, and negotiated. Unlike s systems like WASI, there is a strict separation of effects from pure data, an emphasis on verifiability, and promise pipelining.

IPVM Workflows MUST be suitable for the proposal of workflows and negotiation with providers on a discovery layer (ahead of credential delegation), execution on untrusted peer machines, and verification. Workflows SHOULD provide a sufficiently expressive base to build more complex models such as actors, event-driven systems, map-reduce, and so on.

1.1 Design Philosophy

While IPVM in aggregate is capable of executing arbitrary programs, individual IPVM Workflows are specified declaratively, and tasks workflows MUST be acyclic. Invocation in the declarative style liberates the programmer from worrying about explicit sequencing, parallelism, memoization, distribution, and nontermination in a trustless settings. Such constraints also grants the runtime control and flexibility to schedule tasks in an efficient and safe manner.

These constraints impose specific practices. There is no first-class concept of persistent objects or loops. Loops, actors, vats, concurrent objects, and so on MAY be implemented on top of IPVM Workflows by enqueuing new workflows with the effect system (much like a mailbox receive loop).

1.2 Foundational Authority

IPVM workflows are built on top of cryptographic capabilities, providing a strong basis for distributed computation in trustless networks. This even provides a clear basis for crossing Web 2.0 and Web3 systems, other computation networks, local operation (in full or part).

The IPVM Workflow spec extends on several other specs that have been developed to provide this basis:

│                                               │                           │
│             Human Configuration:              │                           │
│  Defaults, Exception Handling, Comments, Tags │                           │
│               (IPVM Workflow)                 │                           │
│                                               │  Multi-Request Pipelining │
├───────────────────────────────────────────────┤     (UCAN Invocation)     │
│                                               │                           │
│      IPVM Config, Verification Level, etc     │                           │
│                 (IPVM Task)                   │                           │
│                                               │                           │
│                                                                           │
│                                 Call Graph                                │
│                             (UCAN Invocation)                             │
│                                                                           │
│                                                                           │
│                                 Authority                                 │
│                                (UCAN Core)                                │
│                                                                           │

2 Envelope

The outer wrapper of a workflow MUST contain the following fields:

Field Type Description Required
ipvm/workflow Workflow IPVM Workflow Yes
signature Varsig Varsig of serialized fields Yes
Field Type Description Required Default
v "0.1.0" IPVM workflow version Yes
meta {String : Any} User-defined object (tags, comments, etc) No {}
parent [&Workflow, Label] or Null The workflow & task label that initiated the current workflow (if any) No Null
config Config Global configuration (e.g. timeout for the entire workflow) No {}
defaults Config Individual task config defaults No {}
tasks UCAN.Invocation UCAN Invocation Yes
catch &WasmTask Deterministic Wasm that fires on exceptions No {}

2.1 Fields

2.1.1 Version

The v field MUST contain the IPVM Workflow version.

2.1.2 Metadata

The OPTIONAL meta field contains a user-definable JSON object. This is useful for including things like tags, comments, and so on.

2.1.3 Parent

The OPTIONAL parent field contains the CID of the IPVM Task that initiated it (if any).

2.1.4 Config

The OPTIONAL global config object sets the configuration for the workflow itself, and defaults for tasks.

2.1.5 Defaults

The OPTIONAL defaults field configures default configs for tasks.

2.1.6 Tasks

The tasks field contains all of the IPVM Tasks set to run in this Workflow, each labelled by a human-readable key.

2.1.7 Exception Handler

The OPTIONAL catch field contains a Task with predefined inputs. See the Exception Handling section for more detail.

2.2 IPLD Schema

type SignedWorkflow struct {
  work Workflow (rename "ipvm/workflow")
  sig  Varsig

type Workflow struct {
  v       SemVer
  meta    {String : Any}   (implicit {})
  parent  nullable TaskRef (implicit Null)
  global  Config           (implicit {}) 
  defauts Config           (implicit {})
  tasks   UCAN.Invocation
  catch   nullable &Wasm   (implicit Null)

type TaskRef struct {
  inv  &Invocation
  task String -- Label for the task
} representation tuple

2.3 JSON Examples

  "ipvm/workflow": {
    "v": "0.1.0",
    "meta": {
      "tags": ["fission", "bacalhau", "dag-house"]
    "global": {
      "time": [10, "minutes"],
    "defaults": {
      "gas": 1000,
      "memory": [10, "mega", "bytes"]
    "catch": "bafkreifsaaztjgknuha7tju6sugvrlbiwbyx5jf2pky2yxx5ifrpjscyhe",
    "tasks": {
      "v": "0.1.0",
      "nnc": "02468",
      "prf": [ 
        {"/": "bafkreie2cyfsaqv5jjy2gadr7mmupmearkvcg7llybfdd7b6fvzzmhazuy"},
        {"/": "bafkreibbz5pksvfjyima4x4mduqpmvql2l4gh5afaj4ktmw6rwompxynx4"}
      "run": {
        "notify-bob": {
          "with": "mailto://[email protected]",
          "do": "msg/send",
          "inputs": [
              "to": "[email protected]",
              "subject": "DNSLink for",
              "body": "Hello Bob!"
          "meta": {
            "ipvm/config": {
              "time": [30, "minutes"],
              "secret": true
        "log-as-done": {
          "with": ""
          "do": "crud/update"
          "inputs": {
            "from": "mailto://[email protected]",
            "to": ["[email protected]"],
            "event": "email-notification",
            "value": {"ucan/promise": ["/", "notify-bob"]}
  "sig": {"/": {"bytes:": "5vNn4--uTeGk_vayyPuNTYJ71Yr2nWkc6AkTv1QPWSgetpsu8SHegWoDakPVTdxkWb6nhVKAz6JdpgnjABppC7"}}

3 Configuration

The IPVM configuration struct defines secrecy, quotas, and verification strategy:

Field Type Description Required Default
secret Boolean or null Whether the output is unsafe to publish No null
check Verification Verification strategy No "attestation"
time TimeInterval Timeout No [5, "minutes"]
memory InfoSize Memory limit No [100, "kilo", "bytes"]
disk InfoSize Disk limit No [10, "mega", "bytes"]
gas Integer Gas limit No 1000

This MAY be set globally or configured on individual Tasks.

3.1 Fields

3.1.1 Secret Flag

The secret flag marks a task as being unsuitable for publication.

If the sceret field is explicitly set, the task MUST be treated per that setting. If not set, the secret field defaults to null, which behaves as a soft false. If such a task consumes input from a secret source, it is also marked as secret.

Note: there is no way to enforce secrecy at the task-level, so such tasks SHOULD only be negotiated with runners that are trusted. If secrecy must be inviolable, consider with multi-party computation (MPC) or fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) inside the task.

3.1.2 Verification Strategy

The OPTIONAL check field MUST supply a verification strategy if present. If omitted, it MUST default to "attestation".

3.1.4 Time Quota

The OPTIONAL time field configures the upper limit in wall-clock time that the executor SHOULD allow.

3.1.5 Memory Quota

The OPTIONAL memory field configures the upper limit in system memory that the executor SHOULD allow.

3.1.6 Disk Quota

The OPTIONAL disk field configures the upper limit in system memory that the executor SHOULD allow.

3.1.7 Gas Quota

The OPTIONAL gas field configures the upper limit in Wasm gas that the executor SHOULD allow.

3.2 IPLD Schema

type SystemConfig struct {
  secret Boolean      (implicit False)
  check  Verification (implicit Attestation)
  gas    Integer      (implicit 0)
  time   optional TimeInterval
  memory optional InfoSize
  disk   optional InfoSize

3.3 JSON Examples

  "secret": true,
  "check": {
    "optimistic": {
      "confirmations": 2, 
      "referee": "did:key:zStEZpzSMtTt9k2vszgvCwF4fLQQSyA15W5AQ4z3AR6Bx4eFJ5crJFbuGxKmbma4"
  "gas": 5000,
  "time": [45, "minutes"],
  "memory": [500, "kilo", "bytes"],
  "disk": [20, "mega", "bytes"]

4 Task Configuration

With hands of iron, there's not a task we couldn't do

— The Protomen, The Good Doctor

Tasks are the smallest level of work granularity a workflow. Tasks describe everything required to the negotiate and execute all of the of work. IPVM Tasks are defined as a subtype of UCAN Tasks. Task types MAY require specific fields in the inputs field. Timeouts, gas, credits, transactional guarantees, result visibility, and so on MAY be separately configured in the ipvm/config field.

Tasks MAY be configured in aggragate in the global defaults. Individual Task configuration MUST be embedded inside of a UCAN Action's meta['ipvm/confg'] field.

4.1 Fields

Recall UCAN Invocation Tasks:

Field Type Description Required Default
with URI Yes
do Ability Yes
inputs Any Yes
meta {String : Any} Fields that will be ignored during memoization No {}

An OPTIONAL IPVM Config MAY be included at the meta['ipvm/config'] path. The meta field SHOULD not captured as part of task memoization, so this information will be omitted from the distributed invocation table. If included, the Config MUST set the IPVM configuration for this Task, overwriting any of the fields on the envelope's top-level defaults field, or system-wide defaults.

4.2 JSON Examples

  "some-wasm": {
    "with": "ipfs://bafkreicgincymfzzumcqcrpmquyildzqppa3s2gv3scfy2csaqpgqpp7ke",
    "do": "wasm/run",
    "inputs": {
      "func": "calculate",
      "args": [
        "hello world",
        {"c": {"ucan/promise": ["/", "some-other-action"]}},
        {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
    "ipvm/config": {
      "secret": false,
      "check": {
        "optimistic": 17, 
        "referee": "did:key:zStEZpzSMtTt9k2vszgvCwF4fLQQSyA15W5AQ4z3AR6Bx4eFJ5crJFbuGxKmbma4"
  "set-dns": {
    "with": "dns://",
    "do": "crud/update",
    "inputs": { 
      "value": "hello world"
    "meta": {
      "ipvm/config": {
        "secret": false
        "timeout": [500, "milli", "seconds"],
        "verification": "attestation"
  "run-docker": {
    "with": "ipfs://bafkreidvq3uqoxcxr44q5qhgdk5zk6jvziipyxguirqa6tkh5z5wtpesva",
    "do": "docker/run",
    "inputs": {
      "entrypoint": ["/", "home"],
      "mounts": {"mnt": "/"},
      "outputs": {"tmp": "/tmp"},
      "env":  {"$HELLO": "world"},
      "workdir":  "/work"
    "meta": {
      "ipvm/config": {
        "secret": false,
        "check": {
          "optimistic": 2, 
          "referee": "did:key:zStEZpzSMtTt9k2vszgvCwF4fLQQSyA15W5AQ4z3AR6Bx4eFJ5crJFbuGxKmbma4"
  "pipelined-docker-promise": {
    "with": {"ucan/promise": ["/", "previous_action"]},
    "do": "docker/run",
    "inputs": {
      "entrypoint": ["/", "home"],
      "mounts": {"mnt": "/"},
      "outputs": {"tmp": "/tmp"},
      "env":  {"$HELLO": "world"},
      "workdir":  "/work"
    "meta": {
      "ipvm/config": {
        "disk": "200GB"

5 Exception Handler

If present, the OPTIONAL catch field MUST be run in response to a Task returning on the Failure branch. The deterministic & pure Wasm module MUST take a Failure object as input, and MUST return data in the following shape:

type Handle union {
  | Success "ok"     -- End task with Success object
  | String  "rewire" -- Task name inside the current Workflow
  | String  "msg"    -- Format the error message and panic
} respresentation keyed

If the msg branch is returned, the invocation MUST immediately rethrow with the update message.

Note that while IPVM MUST treat the pure tasks together as transactional. It is not possible to roll back any destructive effects that have already been run. As such, it is RECOMMENDED to have few (if any) tasks depend on the output of a destructive effect, so they can be scheduled at the end of the workflow.

6 Receipt Output

Field Type Description Required Default
inv &Invocation CID of the Invocation that generated this response Yes
out {String: Any} The results of each call, the task's label. MAY contain sub-receipts. Yes
meta Any Non-normative extended fields No null

If the catch field is set on the outer Workflow, The out field MAY include the output under the ipvm/catch key

7 Appendix

7.1 Support Types

type TimeUnit enum {
  | Seconds 
  | Minutes 
  | Days
  | Weeks
  | Years

type InfoUnit enum {
  | Bits 
  | Nibble
  | Bytes

type Unit union {
  | TimeUnit
  | InfoUnit

type SubPrefix enum {
  | Pico "p"
  | Nano "n"
  | Micro "u"
  | Milli "m"
  | Centi "c"
  | Deci "d"

type SuperPrefix enum {
  | Deca  "da"
  | Hecto "ha"
  | Kilo  "k"
  | Mega  "M"
  | Giga  "G"
  | Tera  "T"
  | Peta  "P"
  | Exa   "E"

type SIPrefix union {
  | SubPrefix
  | SuperPrefix

type TimeInterval struct {
  magnitude Integer
  prefix    optional SIPrefix
  unit      TimeUnit
} representation tuple

type InfoSize struct {
  magnitude Integer
  prefix    optional SubPrefix
  unit      InfoUnit
} representation tuple

type Measure union {
  | TimeInterval
  | InfoSize

7.1.1 JSON Examples

[400, "nano", "seconds"]
[5, "seconds"]
[378, "exa", "bytes"]

8 Related Work and Prior Art

The Bacalhau Job (Alpha) spec is a complete runner spec for Docker, Wasm, and Python source. At time of writing, it runs on a volunteer network, and has plans to integrate an authority layer.

BucketVM and w3-machines are two approaches from DAG House to extend UCAN to invocations and workflows. At time of writing, both approaches are focused on invocation inside a cloud microservice deployment. Configuration is not required, as jobs are not negotiated.

Cloud Native Builpacks are descriptions of an environment that stack together. They output an OCI container.

GitHub Workflows is a configuration to run one or more jobs, hooked into events on their platform. Workflows can be composed out of discrete actions or from other workflows.

Lambda Workflows are a serverless workflow layer built on top of AWS, and thus integrates with their other offerings like IAM, S3, payments, and so on.

Project Naiad and its lineage (e.g. Timely Dataflow, Differential Dataflow) offer an extremely powerful dataflow model, including differential updates, control flow cycles, long running processes, but in a trusted environment. Such features could be supported for a subset of task types in IPVM in the future.

WarpForge Formulas describe how to reproducibly build and cache packages. The functionality is a specialization of IPVM workflows, and may be configurable with IPVM in the future.

9 Acknowledgments

Luke Marsden for a long fateful discussion while stuck on a tarmac about how to make IPVM and Bacalhau work more closely together.

Thanks to James Walker for helping draw parallels between CIDs, IPLD, and raw bytes for promises in support of complex data pipelines.

Many thanks to Quinn Wilton for her review of the spec, suggesting terms that would be most familiar to developers, talking through how to make the exception handling useful-but-safe in a static workflow, and suggesting further work involving fixed point computation.

Many thanks to Irakli Gozalishvili for the long discussions about invocation needs at DAG House, keeping the conversation grounded in a capabilities worldview, and for the many, many comments on various iterations of this spec across two repos.

Thanks to Blaine Cook for several conversations about developer expectations and effect systems.


IPVM Workflow Description Format



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