Hi collective Max intelligence, what's the latest word on dynamic parameter mapping? Meaning, objects to map an input value source (within the patch) to an output target (a receive/OSC address/MIDI output?), the settings of which can be stored and recalled.
Minimal requirements:
- change source and/or target
- switch mapping on/off
- change mapping ranges, curve, clipping/repetition behaviour
Cheers for any hints and remarks!
- Jamoma (the most complete solution, but no longer maintained),
- OSSIA (cares for namespace and presets, but not actually mapping)
- libmapper/webmapper (network-centric, don't know if it could work within a patch)
- tapetools (ancestor of Jamoma, maybe something to salvage there)
It surely makes most sense to tie mapping to a properly declared namespace like with jamoma/ossia or the implicit OSC namespacing of odot. HOWEVER, for quick and easy in-patch mapping, I wouldn't want to buy/lock into a whole ecosystem of external objects (unless it's Mubu, of course =-).
So, thanks to your answers, my question is now clearer for myself: What is needed is a pure Max solution with a nice GUI like jamoma had, that is snapshotable/presetable. Source/target could be Max send/rx, later MIDI, OSC, Live. This sounds so trivial, it must already exist, mustn't it?
. Max has improved a little bit since Jamoma. Now there is gen which could handle the mapping functions, snapshots for storing, this half-start of MIDI mapping (not patchable, DUH!), and lots of progress on the M4L side (not usable in Max, I think).
Max send/receive
MIDI in/out
MPE input
OSC send/receive
external controllers (Sensel, ROLI)
Max pattr parameters
Max object attributes
Max live.object values
Max4Live LOM remotes (only works in Live)
libOSSIA parameter values
libMapper ports