This repo provides a simple demo of 3DETR: An End-to-End Transformer Model for 3D Object Detection
. In particular, given a point cloud obtained from a RealSense or Azure Kinect camera, the code outputs bounding boxes found using 3DETR.
Follow the installation directions here
If you are using the Microsoft Azure Kinect camera, install Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK
using the Debian packages (for Linux). In addition, install pyk4a
If you are using the Intel RealSense camera, install librealsense
The demo_files
folder contains point clouds (in ply format). In order to run 3DETR on a demo point cloud from Scannet or SUNRGB-D, run the following:
python --test_ckpt pretrained/sunrgbd_ep1080.pth --nqueries 128 --data_source [scannet or sunrgbd]
The output is saved in demo_files/output_bboxes.ply
. You can visualize the input pointcloud (demo_files/input_pc_scannet.ply
or demo_files/input_pc_sunrgbd.ply
) and output bounding boxes by importing these into MeshLab
If you are using the Azure Kinect camera, you can run the following to capture a point cloud and save it in ply format:
This will save the point cloud in demo_files/input_pc_kinect.ply and demo_files/input_pc_kinect_rgb.obj.
Then, run the following to generate bounding boxes using 3DETR:
python --test_ckpt pretrained/sunrgbd_ep1080.pth --nqueries 128 --data_source kinect
The output is saved in demo_files/output_bboxes.ply
. You can visualize the input pointcloud (demo_files/input_pc_kinect.ply
) and output bounding boxes by importing these into MeshLab
If you are using a RealSense camera, you can export a point cloud in ply format using realsense-viewer (save this in demo_files/input_pc_realsense.ply). Note that this exports a point cloud using a left-handed coordinate system (!). The code here accounts for this fact when the point cloud is read in and also saves a ply file using the correct right-handed system in demo_files/input_pc_realsense_transformed.ply.
Run the following to generate bounding boxes using 3DETR:
python --test_ckpt pretrained/sunrgbd_ep1080.pth --nqueries 128 --data_source realsense
The output is saved in demo_files/output_bboxes.ply
. You can visualize the transformed input pointcloud (demo_files/input_pc_realsense_transformed.ply
) and output bounding boxes by importing these into MeshLab