Descripton: in this repository you will get Laravel-9 starter scafold with configured settings for instance, if you are planning to start a new project with vue and laravel then only thing you need will be to fetch this repository and start building your app.
This includes all latest pakages for development, Below are the list of pakages installed.
- Laravel 9
- Laravel Sanctum for authentication
- Vue 3
- Vue Class Component
- Vuex
- Vue Router
- TypeScript
- Prime Vue (Frontend framework for Vue js)
- Prime Flex (Gird System) and many other dependencies to start a new project
You can clone the project and make changes or distrubute it without any restrictions. Leave a Star/Fork if you appreciate my efforts.
Follow these steps to run this app.
- Make sure you have npm, node, php installed, I have used laravel sail for my development enviroment
- Clone the git repository
- cd into the directory
- Run, sail build or ./vendor/bin/sail build
- Run, Composer install
- Run, npm install
- Run, sail down and then sail up -d
- Run, sail artisan migrate
- Run, sail db:seed
- Run, sail npm run dev
- Open browser and type localhost
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