> root
- Inside _posts, create a new file and name it with the following format:
- Include post front matter at the top of the post
- layout: post | page | default
- feature_text_desc: Title on post feature image
- categories: General | Events | Announcement | Random |Tutorial | Guides (remember to keep this list updated)
- feature_image: Feature images can be found in /assets/bg/
- author: Name of author
- Write post in markdown (refer to elements.md for themed markdown elements and [here](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown -here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet#images) for a complete markdown guide)
Run bundle exec jekyll serve
to view any changes made to post or page. For edits to _config.yml,the site must be re-built
first by running bundle exec jekyll build
- Create a new file
- Add blog page front matter
- title: Page title
- layout:
- feature_image: Feature images can be found in /assets/bg/
- feature_text: Title and description on post feature image
- Add partner logo into /assets/logos and name the logo with format
to keep it consistent - Open _theme.scss and search for '//suuporting partners'
- Scroll down the list and add
.img-# {background-image: url("/assets/logos/company_name.png");}
- Open /_layouts/partners.html
- Add
<a href="/company-website/"><div class="img img-#"></div></a>
Blog domain name can be found in the CNAME file and can be managed in IT Society's Namecheap account
- Editing the scoreboard Go to _includes and find site-scoreboard-table.html.
- Editing the ranking reset date/edit the post There are two places that need modification. Go to _includes and find site-event-countdown. It is located at the first line of the script. Also go to _layouts and find scoreboard.html to change the date.