A helper script to automate sending the flags to the server. The script reads from environment variables. They are sent every 1 minute. You probably want to use other bash scripts or python scripts to automate setting those variables.
To run:
e.g. TEAM1_FLAG1
You'll want to update update_env.sh
to have an echo statement with "TEAM1_FLAG1=RTA{flag}" or to run a subscript similar to the examples provided.
- --submit_url
- [OPTIONAL] Change the submission URL. Default "https://redteamassociation.com/submit"
- -token
- --sleep
- [OPTIONAL] The sleep interval to use. Default is 55 secs.')
- --number_of_teams
- [OPTIONAL] Number of teams participating. Default 6.')
- --flags_per_team
- [OPTIONAL] Flags per team. Default 4.')
- --env_updater_script
- [OPTIONAL] Path to a script to that will echo the flags with one flag per line in the format of TEAM1_FLAG1=RTA{123-123-123}.