This library contains 3 UITextField subclasses:
- textfield for sms codesPhoneTextField
- textfield for phone input (currentrly only one phone mask is supported)FloatingLabelTextField
- analog for Android textfield with floating placeholder (animated)- Bonus: UIFont extension which provides monospaced version of given font. Could be usefull for sms code input.
pod 'AGInputControls'
github "ivedeneev/AGInputControls"
Add this line to your Package.swift
file: .package(url: "", branch: "master")
Library also provides basic class FormattingTextField
which can format input text respecting given mask.
Important note: FormattingTextField supports only digits. You may use special characters like spaces or dashes in mask. Example of mask: "+X (XXX) XXX-XX-XX"
. Example of mask which can cause undefined behaviour: "+7 (9XX) XXX-XX-XX"
and FloatingLabelTextField
are inherited from FormattingTextField
import AGInputControls
let codeFont = UIFont(name: "Avenir", size: 30)?.monospaced
You can use this textfield for sms codes.
- Support auto-sizing respecting given font. Using monospaced font is highly recommended
- Support system auto-fill
- Support digit decoration (underline dash or rounded rect behind each digit)
let codeField = OTPCodeTextField()
codeField.decoration = .rect // Decoration: rounded rects, dashes or none. See OTPCodeField.Decoration
codeField.decorationColor = UIColor.systemGreen // Color of decoration elements
codeField.letterSpacing = 20 // Spacing between digits
codeField.length = 6 // Number of digits in code
codeField.showCaret = false // Show or hide caret
- Placeholders are not supported
- You cannot use copy/cut/paste actions
You can use this textfield for mobile phone number input
let codeField = PhoneTextField()
codeField.phoneMask = "+# (###) ###-##-##"
- Supports auto-sizing respecting given font and mask.
- Supports constant prefixes. Example: if you support only phones which begins with +7 you can specify phone mask like this: +7 ### ###-##-## and +7 prefix will become 'constant' and user will not be able to erase or edit it
- Only one phone mask supported at this moment.
You can override this behaviour by subclassing PhoneTextField
and override formattedText(text:)
method or use formattingDelegate
property and customize formatting behavoiur without creating subclasses
FloatingLabelTextField is a UITextField
subclass which resembles Material design text field
let floatTextField = FloatingLabelTextField()
floatTextField.formattingMask = "##/##" // Formatting mask
floatTextField.placeholder = "Expires at"
floatTextField.textPaddings = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 8, bottom: 0, right: 0) // Paddings for text and floating placeholder
floatTextField.highlightsWhenActive = true // Placeholder and underline view and bottom label are filled by tintColor when textfield is active
floatTextField.errorTintColor = .systemRed
floatTextField.isError = true // if true, placeholder and underline view and bottom label are filled by errorTintColor
- Supports auto-sizing height respecting given font and paddings
- Supports input masks
is used for coloring underline view and bottom label for default state- If you dont need any formatting behaviour just dont specify
by default)
You can use this textfield for formatting input text with digits like phione numbers, credit card data input (number, expires, cvv) etc. You should specify formattingMask
property to make it work. Formatting mask has 2 constraints:
- No digits or letters
is a placeholder for digit*
is a placeholder for letter?
is a placeholder for either letter or digit
let floatTextField = FormattingTextField()
floatTextField.formattingMask = "##/##"
If you need your own formatting behaviour you can subclass FormattingTextField
and create your own textfield. In that case you should override formatting function.
class MyTextField: FormattingTextField {
override func formattedText(text: String?) -> String? {
return text?.uppercased()
Remember: PhoneTextField
and FloatingLabelTextField
are inherited from FormattingTextField