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zm-build for Zimbra Collaboration Suite, FOSS Edition

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This repository contains the build script and supporting files required to create a FOSS build of the Zimbra Collaboration Suite.


  • - Invoke this script to produce a build. See the Building section below for an example.
  • instructions/
    • - Maps between remote label and URL
    • - Specifies which branches (or tags) are checked out to build each component repository.
    • - defines the staging order and details.

Setup with Zimbra Development Images (used for building)

  • Set up docker on your box

  • You can then pull and run using development images (built from Zimbra/zm-base-os.git)

  • In case you need to customize the images for your purposes, you could maintain your own Dockerfile such as this:

      $ cat Dockerfile
      FROM zimbra/zm-base-os:devcore-ubuntu-16.04
      RUN sudo apt-get install emacs my-special-tool etc..
      RUN ...
      $ docker build -t myuser/my-devcore-ubuntu-16 .
      $ docker run -it myuser/my-devcore-ubuntu-16 bash

Ubuntu 22.04

# build a new Docker image for Ubuntu 22.04 by yourself.
docker build --tag zimbra/zm-base-os:devcore-ubuntu-22.04
docker run -it zimbra/zm-base-os:devcore-ubuntu-22.04 bash

Ubuntu 16.04

docker run -it zimbra/zm-base-os:devcore-ubuntu-16.04 bash

CentOS 7

docker run -it zimbra/zm-base-os:devcore-centos-7 bash

CentOS 6

docker run -it zimbra/zm-base-os:devcore-centos-6 bash

# some tools are installed inside /home/build/.zm-dev-tools/, zm-build automatically sources this path.

Setup (traditional)

Ubuntu 22.04

The following steps assume that your are starting with a clean VM and are logged in as a non-root user with sudo privileges.

sudo apt-get install ant-contrib

Ubuntu 16.04

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common openjdk-8-jdk ant ant-optional ant-contrib ruby git maven build-essential debhelper

CentOS 7

sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk ant ant-junit ruby git maven cpan wget perl-IPC-Cmd

CentOS 6

sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
sudo yum remove java-1.7.0-openjdk java-1.6.0-openjdk ant
sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel ruby git cpan wget
# install specific perl modules
sudo cpan IPC::Cmd
cd /tmp
# install maven
sudo tar -xf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz
sudo mv apache-maven-3.3.9 /opt
echo 'export PATH="/opt/apache-maven-3.3.9/bin:$PATH"' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/
# install current version of ant
sudo unzip
sudo mv apache-ant-1.9.9 /opt
echo 'export PATH="/opt/apache-ant-1.9.9/bin:$PATH"' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/


Create a directory for your build and check-out the zm-build repository:

mkdir installer-build
cd installer-build
git clone
cd zm-build
git checkout origin/develop

To build a specific patch example 10.0.5 run the following:

mkdir installer-build
cd installer-build
git clone --depth 1 --branch 10.0.5
cd zm-build
ENV_CACHE_CLEAR_FLAG=true ./ --ant-options -DskipTests=true --git-default-tag=10.0.5,10.0.4,10.0.3,10.0.2,10.0.1,10.0.0-GA,10.0.0 --build-release-no=10.0.5 --build-type=FOSS --build-release=NIKOLATESLA --build-release-candidate=GA --build-no=3969 --no-interactive

To build for Ubuntu 22.04 64bit (as your new built Docker image above) add this option: --build-os=UBUNTU22_64

Or for example 9.0.0.p25 run the following:

mkdir installer-build
cd installer-build
git clone --depth 1 --branch 9.0.0.p25 [email protected]:Zimbra/zm-build.git
cd zm-build
ENV_CACHE_CLEAR_FLAG=true ./ --ant-options -DskipTests=true --git-default-tag=9.0.0.p25,9.0.0.p24.1,9.0.0.p24,9.0.0.p23,9.0.0.p22,9.0.0.p21,9.0.0.p20,9.0.0.p19,9.0.0.p18,9.0.0.p17,9.0.0.p16,9.0.0.p15,9.0.0.p14,9.0.0.p13,9.0.0.p12,9.0.0.p11,9.0.0.p10,9.0.0.p9,9.0.0.p8,9.0.0.p7,9.0.0.p6.1,9.0.0.p6,9.0.0.p5,9.0.0.p4,9.0.0.p3,9.0.0.p2,9.0.0.p1,9.0.0 --build-release-no=9.0.0 --build-type=FOSS --build-release=NIKOLATESLA --build-release-candidate=GA --build-no=3969 --no-interactive

The command is used to build the product. Run it with the -h option for help:

Usage: ./ <options>
Supported options:

You can specify all the options on the command-line, as follows:

./ --build-no=1713 --build-ts=`date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'` \
  --build-release=JUDASPRIEST --build-release-no=8.7.6 \
  --build-release-candidate=GA --build-type=FOSS \ --no-interactive

The completed build will be archived into a *.tgz file that is stored in the appropriate platform and release-specific subdirectory of the BUILDS directory. The above command, run on an Ubuntu 16.04 machine, created the following:


You can also specify any or all of the required options by placing them in a file called This file should be at the top level of the zm-build directory. For example:

BUILD_NO                    = 1713
BUILD_RELEASE_NO            = 8.7.6
BUILD_TYPE                  = FOSS
INTERACTIVE                 = 0

Then just run ./

The above command, run on a CentOS 7 machine with the options as shown in, created the following:




The following is a walk-through of the basic steps required to do ZCS development. The first step is to simply install a current FOSS build on the machine that you wish to use. The instructions that follow assume that this has been done.

  1. Create /home/zimbra and make zimbra the owner.

     sudo mkdir /home/zimbra
     sudo chown zimbra:zimbra /home/zimbra
  2. Install git, ant, and ant-contrib by whichever method is appropriate for your distro:

     sudo apt-get install git ant ant-contrib


     sudo yum install git ant ant-contrib
  3. Configure /opt/zimbra/.ssh/config to use your ssh key for the git remotes that you need to access.

  4. Perform the following edits on /opt/zimbra/.bash_profile

    • Comment-out export LANG=C and export LC_ALL=C.
    • Add export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
    • Add export ANT_OPTS=-Ddev.home=/home/zimbra
  5. Change permissions on files and folders that you will be updating; e.g.,

     sudo chmod -R o+w /opt/zimbra/lib/
     sudo chmod -R o+w /opt/zimbra/jetty/
     sudo chown zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra

    Note: If you run zmfixperms, some of these permissions will be overwritten.

  6. Add file /opt/zimbra/.gitconfig and update as needed. At a minimum:

     	email = YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS
  7. As the zimbra user, create a base directory under /home/zimbra from which to work.

     cd /home/zimbra
     mkdir zcs
     cd zcs
  8. Now you can clone any repositories that you require and get to work.

Email Delivery

If you want email delivery to work, set up a DNS server on your host machine or another VM and configure zimbraDNSMasterIP to point to it. To configure zimbraDNSMasterIP, do the following as the zimbra user:

zmprov ms `zmhostname` zimbraDNSMasterIP DNS-SERVER-IP-ADDRESS

You may receive the following error when trying to send email:

No SMTP hosts available for domain

If this occurs, you need to manually configure zimbraSmtpHostname for your domain(s). To configure zimbraSmtpHostname, do the following as the zimbra user:

zmprov md DOMAIN-NAME zimbraSmtpHostname `zmhostname`

zm-mailbox example

As the zimbra user, cd /home/zimbra/zcs. Then clone the zm-mailbox repository from github

git clone [email protected]:Zimbra/zm-mailbox.git

The following sub-directories zm-mailbox build and deploy separately:


The top-level build.xml is used by the zm-build scripts to create an installer package. You will not use that for normal development. There are build-order dependencies between the above-listed deployment targets. These can be determined by inspection of the ivy.xml files within each subdirectory.

For example:

grep 'org="zimbra"' store/ivy.xml

<dependency org="zimbra" name="zm-common" rev="latest.integration"/>
<dependency org="zimbra" name="zm-soap" rev="latest.integration"/>
<dependency org="zimbra" name="zm-client" rev="latest.integration"/>
<dependency org="zimbra" name="zm-native" rev="latest.integration"/>

Here you can see that the deployment target, zm-store (the store subdirectory), depends upon common, soap, client, and native. Here is the current ordering dependencies among all of the zm-mailbox deployment targets. The higher-numbered deployment targets depend upon the lower-numbered ones. Note that milter-conf and store-conf have no cross-dependencies.

  1. native
  2. common
  3. soap
  4. client
  5. store

So, from the native sub-directory:

ant -Dzimbra.buildinfo.version=8.7.6_GA clean compile publish-local deploy


  • The requirement to include -Dzimbra.buildinfo.version=8.7.6_GA to ant is due to a change that was made when the FOSS code was moved to GitHub. You can also just add that option to your ANT_OPTS enviroment variable that you defined in $HOME/.bash_profile as follows:

    export ANT_OPTS="-Ddev.home=/home/zimbra -Dzimbra.buildinfo.version=8.7.6_GA"

    If you do that, then you can omit that -D... argument to the ant command and future examples will reflect that.

  • The publish-local target adds the artifact to /home/zimbra/.zcs-deps, which is included in the Ivy resolution path.

  • The deploy target installs the artifact to its run-time location and restarts the appropriate service(s). This will allow you to test your changes.

Then, from the common, soap, client, and store sub-directories (in that order):

ant clean compile publish-local deploy

Adding a new LDAP Attribute

WARNING:It is absolutely imperative to avoid duplicate IDs for attributes. Unfortunately, that currently isn't a trivial thing to do. Need to check Zimbra 8 and Zimbra X along with all development branches. If customers get different setups using different IDs, this makes future upgrade scenarios a complete nightmare

Start by cloning both the zm-ldap-utilites and the zm-mailbox repositories from GitHub. Check out the appropriate branch of each. Then proceed as follows:

  • Add your new attribute to zm-mailbox/store/conf/attrs/zimbra-attrs.xml

  • From zm-common/store invoke the following command:

      ant generate-getters
  • Do the following as root:

      chmod -R o+w /opt/zimbra/common/etc/openldap/schema
      chmod o+w /opt/zimbra/conf/zimbra.ldif
      chmod +w /opt/zimbra/conf/attrs/zimbra-attrs.xml
      chmod -R o+w /opt/zimbra/common/etc/openldap/zimbra
  • Back as the zimbra user, invoke the following command from zm-mailbox/common:

      ant deploy publish-local
  • Then from the zm-mailbox/store directory:

      ant deploy update-ldap-schema

Your ZCS development server should now be running with the new attribute(s). You can test that by querying them and modifying them with zmprov. You can git add ... and git commit your changes now.


zm-build for Zimbra Collaboration Suite, FOSS Edition






No packages published


  • Perl 62.4%
  • Shell 37.2%
  • Other 0.4%