Thermomechanical Fault
There are many versions of this code. Not all are working. There are some codes in fortran, c++ and MATLAB.
The code relies on a numerical recipes file romberg_integration.cpp, but I don't think the license allows me to share that here, so you need to find it for yourself.
- Go to the tests/ folder and run make
- Go to each subdirectory and you should find a bash script that runs a test on that particular element
Each test in its own subfolder. To change parameters of the test, change the .cpp file(s) or the "input_parameters.h", then make. To run the test and generate check plots. There is a bash script called in each folder.
This makes sure the stiffness (stress transfer) matrix is being calculated correctly
This calculates the strength of the fault under background temperature conditions and compares it to the original Ben-Zion (1996) calculation.
This applies the loading for a number of time steps without any earthquake and calculates the impact on the shear stress, slip-deficit and creep rate.
These tests produce the fault algorithm with no heat generation.
This algorithm reproduces the Ben-Zion 1996 algorithm using the c++ objects in this code.
The algorithm uses the temperature based slip velocity, but does not generate any heat from the slip.
This test calculates the cooling after imposing slip
This test runs the full algorithm including heat-based creep for a single cell.
This test imposes a circular rupture on the fault and lets the algorithm play out for a short amount of time