generates .gitignore
files for different programming languages or platforms from the command line.
Inspired by joe, but following the Command Line Interface Guidelines and adding autocompletion (at some point). So, think of juan
as a distant cousin of joe
pip install juan
After install run juan -u
to update the available list of .gitignore
files. This command will download the files in these locations:
- macOS:
/Users/<your-user>/Library/Application Support/juan
- Windows:
- Linux:
Update the list of avilable .gitignore
$ juan -u
Updating gitignore files...
252 .gitignore files:
actionscript, ada, agda, al, al, altiumdesigner, android, anjuta, ansible, appceleratortitanium, appengine, archives, archlinuxpackages, atmelstudio, autoit, autotools, b4x, backup, bazaar, bazel, beef, bitrix, bricxcc, c, c++, cakephp, calabash, cdk, cfwheels, chefcookbook, clojure, cloud9, cmake, codeigniter, codekit, codesniffer, commonlisp, composer, concrete5, coq, cordova, core, craftcms, cuda, cvs, d, dart, darteditor, delphi, diff, dm, dreamweaver, dropbox, drupal, drupal7, eagle, eclipse, eiffelstudio, elisp, elixir, elm, emacs, ensime, episerver, erlang, esp-idf, espresso, exercism, expressionengine, extjs, fancy, finale, flaxengine, flexbuilder, forcedotcom, fortran, fuelphp, gcov, gitbook, gnomeshellextension, go, go.allowlist, godot, gpg, gradle, grails, gretl, gwt, haskell, hugo, iar_ewarm, idris, igorpro, images, inforcms, java, jboss, jboss4, jboss6, jdeveloper, jekyll, jenkins_home, jenv, jetbrains, jigsaw, joomla, julia, jupyternotebooks, kate, kdevelop4, kentico, kicad, kohana, kotlin, labview, laravel, lazarus, leiningen, lemonstand, lensstudio, libreoffice, lilypond, linux, lithium, logtalk, lua, lyx, macos, magento, magento1, magento2, matlab, maven, mercurial, mercury, metals, metaprogrammingsystem, meteor, microsoftoffice, modelsim, momentics, monodevelop, nanoc, nasaspecsintact, netbeans, nikola, nim, ninja, nix, node, notepadpp, nwjs, objective-c, ocaml, octave, opa, opencart, openssl, oracleforms, otto, packer, patch, perl, phalcon, phoenix, pimcore, playframework, plone, prestashop, processing, psoccreator, puppet, purescript, putty, python, qooxdoo, qt, r, racket, racket, rails, raku, red, redcar, redis, rhodesrhomobile, ros, ros2, ruby, rust, sam, sass, sbt, scala, scheme, scons, scrivener, sdcc, seamgen, sketchup, slickedit, smalltalk, snap, spfx, splunk, stata, stella, strapi, sublimetext, sugarcrm, svn, swift, symfony, symphonycms, syncthing, synopsysvcs, tags, terraform, tex, textmate, textpattern, thinkphp, toit, tortoisegit, turbogears2, twincat3, typo3, umbraco, unity, unrealengine, uvision, v, vagrant, vim, virtualenv, virtuoso, visualstudio, visualstudiocode, vue, vvvv, waf, webmethods, windows, wordpress, xcode, xilinx, xilinxise, xojo, yeoman, yii, zendframework, zephir
View available files:
$ juan -ls
252 .gitignore files:
actionscript, ada, agda, al, al, altiumdesigner, android, anjuta, ansible, appceleratortitanium, appengine, archives, archlinuxpackages, atmelstudio, autoit, autotools, b4x, backup, bazaar, bazel, beef, bitrix, bricxcc, c, c++, cakephp, calabash, cdk, cfwheels, chefcookbook, clojure, cloud9, cmake, codeigniter, codekit, codesniffer, commonlisp, composer, concrete5, coq, cordova, core, craftcms, cuda, cvs, d, dart, darteditor, delphi, diff, dm, dreamweaver, dropbox, drupal, drupal7, eagle, eclipse, eiffelstudio, elisp, elixir, elm, emacs, ensime, episerver, erlang, esp-idf, espresso, exercism, expressionengine, extjs, fancy, finale, flaxengine, flexbuilder, forcedotcom, fortran, fuelphp, gcov, gitbook, gnomeshellextension, go, go.allowlist, godot, gpg, gradle, grails, gretl, gwt, haskell, hugo, iar_ewarm, idris, igorpro, images, inforcms, java, jboss, jboss4, jboss6, jdeveloper, jekyll, jenkins_home, jenv, jetbrains, jigsaw, joomla, julia, jupyternotebooks, kate, kdevelop4, kentico, kicad, kohana, kotlin, labview, laravel, lazarus, leiningen, lemonstand, lensstudio, libreoffice, lilypond, linux, lithium, logtalk, lua, lyx, macos, magento, magento1, magento2, matlab, maven, mercurial, mercury, metals, metaprogrammingsystem, meteor, microsoftoffice, modelsim, momentics, monodevelop, nanoc, nasaspecsintact, netbeans, nikola, nim, ninja, nix, node, notepadpp, nwjs, objective-c, ocaml, octave, opa, opencart, openssl, oracleforms, otto, packer, patch, perl, phalcon, phoenix, pimcore, playframework, plone, prestashop, processing, psoccreator, puppet, purescript, putty, python, qooxdoo, qt, r, racket, racket, rails, raku, red, redcar, redis, rhodesrhomobile, ros, ros2, ruby, rust, sam, sass, sbt, scala, scheme, scons, scrivener, sdcc, seamgen, sketchup, slickedit, smalltalk, snap, spfx, splunk, stata, stella, strapi, sublimetext, sugarcrm, svn, swift, symfony, symphonycms, syncthing, synopsysvcs, tags, terraform, tex, textmate, textpattern, thinkphp, toit, tortoisegit, turbogears2, twincat3, typo3, umbraco, unity, unrealengine, uvision, v, vagrant, vim, virtualenv, virtuoso, visualstudio, visualstudiocode, vue, vvvv, waf, webmethods, windows, wordpress, xcode, xilinx, xilinxise, xojo, yeoman, yii, zendframework, zephir
Generate a .gitignore
file for a project using Linux and Vim:
$ juan -g vim,linux > .gitignore
Output in the .gitignore
file generated:
#### juan made this: https://github.com/j0lv3r4/juan ####
### Vim ###
# Swap
!*.svg # comment out if you don't need vector files
# Session
# Temporary
# Auto-generated tag files
# Persistent undo
#### juan made this: https://github.com/j0lv3r4/juan ####
### Linux ###
# temporary files which can be created if a process still has a handle open of a deleted file
# KDE directory preferences
# Linux trash folder which might appear on any partition or disk
# .nfs files are created when an open file is removed but is still being accessed
Append to an existing .gitignore
$ juan -g vim,linux >> .gitignore