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Merge pull request #1 from jacobeisenstein/ic2s2-changes
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Ic2s2 changes
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sandeepsoni authored Jul 15, 2019
2 parents c90b4da + b938370 commit fe620a4
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Showing 22 changed files with 14,737 additions and 167 deletions.
22 changes: 17 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,26 +3,30 @@ Tutorial on Modeling Language Change

This repository holds notebooks, data, and slides related to tutorials on computational models of language change at [NAACL]( and [IC2S2](

In addition to the data here, two larger data files can be found at bitbucket:
* The data for both the tutorials should be found in the [data](data/) directory. In addition to the data here, two larger data files can be found at bitbucket:

* The notebooks for the NAACL tutorial are under [naacl-notebooks](naacl-notebooks/) and the notebooks for the IC2S2 tutorial are under [ic2s2-notebooks](ic2s2-notebooks/)

* [These slides](eisenstein-naacl-slides.pdf) are used for the NAACL tutorial and [these slides](ic2s2-tutorial-slides) are for the IC2S2 tutorial.

# Installation

All notebooks are based on Python 3. To ensure that you have all necessary packages, create a new `conda` environment and then activate it (update conda if it asks you to).
All notebooks are based on Python 3. To ensure that you have all the necessary packages, create a new `conda` environment and then activate it (update conda if it asks you to).

pip install --user conda #if necessary
conda env create -f environment.yml # create the environment. update conda if it complains.
source activate time_tutorial # activate the environment

You can then launch the first notebook:
You can then launch a notebook as follows:

cd notebooks
cd ic2s2-notebooks
jupyter-notebook HappierOnTheWeekend.ipynb

The fourth notebook requires you to install [pyhawkes]( This works on linux via `pip install --user pyhawkes autograd`, but I'm not having consistent success with this on mac. If you have trouble, you may want to clone the repo directly:
The `FollowTheLeader.ipynb` notebook requires you to install [pyhawkes]( using `pip install --user pyhawkes autograd` (Linux) or `~/miniconda3/envs/time_tutorial/bin/pip install pyhawkes autograd` (Mac). If you have trouble, you may want to clone the repo directly [here](

# Data

Expand All @@ -31,3 +35,11 @@ To get the additional data files, run:
git clone

Alternatively, you can run

which will download all the data and setup the symbolic links for you.

10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
git clone
cd language-change-tutorial-data
# SameDifference.ipynb
# 250 MB
tar xvzf same-diff-data.tgz
cd ../data
ln -s ../language-change-tutorial-data/same-diff-processed
# DirtyLaundering.ipynb
# 110 MB
ln -s ../language-change-tutorial-data/embeddings-over-time
116 changes: 53 additions & 63 deletions environment.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,134 +3,124 @@ channels:
- conda-forge
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prefix: /home/jacobeisenstein/miniconda3/envs/time_tutorial

99 changes: 0 additions & 99 deletions environment_mac.yml

This file was deleted.


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