Develop an automation test script suite for our Texas Pre-License Required - Law of Agency course for our real estate vertical.
- Write test scripts testing key parts of the web app, including (but not limited to):
- Creation of a new account taking Law of Agency
- Purchase of the Law of Agency course
- Completing the profile information
- Go through multiple pages of the course to test different features (no need to complete the full course)
- Report passing or failing tests in a clear way
- Identify why a test failed
- Report test failure to devs
- Make sure to document the process and be prepared with all scripts ready to run the test and give verdict of pass or fail.
- Create a similar test on mobile
- Run the web test on different browsers
- Create a test outline and roadmap for any additional features
- Run the test using a cloud service like Sauce Labs or Browser Stack
- Staging URL:
node >= 11.6.0
yarn >= 1.13.0
Install dependencies
$ yarn
$ yarn test
$ yarn report
|-- tests
|-- component
|-- performance
|-- performance.json
|-- screenshots
|-- screenshot.png
|-- component.test.js
- Jest - Delightful JavaScript Testing
- Puppeteer - Headless Chrome Node API
- node - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
- jest-stare - Jest HTML Reporter and Results Processor
We recommend using VS Code for debugging tests with the following extensions installed:
- Debugger for Chrome, Microsoft
- ESLint, Dirk Baeumer
- Jest, Orta
Yes, even tests have bugs sometimes. Please create an issue here if you find any.