This is a small project for me to learn Go.
It uses the TVMaze API and also OMDB for film information.
The current commands for the bot are...
!show <search>
e.g. !show brooklyn nine nine
also has an alias !tv
!film <search>
e.g. !film gladiator
also has an alias !movie
git clone
cp .env.example .env
vi .env
go run cli/app/main.go
SHOWSTRING="\u0002#showname#\u0002 | Next: #nextEp# | Prev: #previousEp# | Premiered: #premiered#"
EPSTRING="#airdate# - #season#x#episode# - #name#"
FILMSTRING="#title# - #plot# - #runtime# - #genre# - #imdb-rating#/10 - #imdb-ID#"
This will output the following:
<jaaaaaaaaaam> !show gotham
<Awesomebot> Looking up 'gotham'
<Awesomebot> Gotham | Next: 1 month from now - 2x12 - Rise of the Villains: Cold, Dark Night | Prev: 1 month ago - 2x11 - Rise of the Villains: Worse Than a Crime | Premiered: 2014-09-22
This is the nick of the bot.
This is the username of the bot.
These options would result in the following:
<Steve> Bleep Bloop Bloop
<Steve> I'm an IRC Bot written in Go!
The channel you would like the bot to join.
The IRC Network and port you would like the bot to connect to.
This is used to format the output for !show <showname>
Option | Description |
#ID# | TVMaze ID for the show |
#URL# | TVMaze url for the show |
#showname# | Name of the show |
#type# | The type of show |
#genres# | Comma separated list of genres for the show |
#status# | Status of the show (continuing/cancelled/ended etc) |
#runtime# | The runtime of the show in minutes |
#premiered# | The date the show was premiered |
#schedule.time# | The time that the show usually airs |
#schedule.days# | Comma separated list of days the show airs on |
#rating# | The average rating of the show | | The name of the network that the show airs on | | The name of the country the network is in | | The country code of the country the network is in | | The timezone that the network is in |
#webchannel# | The name of the webchannel the show airs on |
#externals.tvrage# | The 'TVRage' ID for the show |
#externals.thetvdb# | The 'TheTVDB' ID for the show |
#image.medium# | Medium sized image for the show |
#image.original# | Original sized image for the show |
#summary# | The show summary |
#updated# | Unix timestamp of when the info was last updated |
#links.self# | Link to API for the current set of data |
#previousEp# | Formatted data for the previous episode, see EPSTRING below |
#nextEp# | Formatted data for the next episode, see EPSTRING below |
This is used to format the output of the information for the next episode or previous episode.
Option | Description |
#ID# | TVMaze episode ID |
#URL# | TVMaze episode URL |
#name# | Name of the episode |
#season# | The season number |
#episode# | The episode number |
#airdate# | The episode's airdate |
#airtime# | The episode's airtime |
#airstamp# | The full datetime of the episode's airing |
#runtime# | The runtime of the episode in minutes |
This is used to format the output of the !imdb command
Option | Description |
#title# | Film title |
#year# | TVMaze episode URL |
#rating# | The MPAA film rating |
#release# | The release date of the film |
#runtime# | The films runtime |
#genre# | The genre of the film |
#director# | The film's directors |
#writer# | The films writers |
#actors# | The films actors |
#plot# | Short plot of the film |
#language# | The films language |
#country# | The films countries |
#awards# | Awards the film has |
#posterURL# | URL for the film poster |
#metascore | The films metascore |
#imdb-rating# | The films IMDB rating |
#imdb-votes# | The films IMDB votes |
#imdb-ID# | The url to the IMDB page for the film |
#type# | The type of the search query (Film etc) |
This option allows the dates of next/previous episodes to be formatted into human readable strings.
There are currently 3 options.
0 - Turns off date humanizations
1 - Humanization using (1 month ago, in 1 year) doesn't account for overages, 1 month and 15 days is displayed as 1 month.
2 - Humanization into days only. (2 days ago/in 125 days)
- Bot Basics
- Join channels based on comma separated list in .env
- Nickserv operations
- .env option for greeting other users
- TVMaze modules
- Finish Show struct for JSON data from TVMaze
- Show desired output from show
- Finish adding options for output
- Get the dates/episode info for previous/next episodes
- Show the dates in human readable format e.g. (2 days ago, in 3 months, 2 days etc)
- Allow users to choose a format for date's if humanization is disabled
- Show the user suggestions if their search returns nothing
- OMDB module
- Filter out not found requests and show an error instead