These are Swift programming experimental prototypes, created to isolate example functionality.
This Xcode workspace enables me to prototype inside isolated projects, and then reuse those projects as future templates. For example, instead of scaffolding a new SceneKit project each time I want to test something, I can simply extend an existing prototype.
Not intended as an exhaustive repository of examples, these are added as needed based upon projects I'm currently working on. If you happen to cross similar paths, please help yourself.
- CollectionView
- CollectionView using Class — Using a class to programmatically create the Collection View Cell item
- CollectionView using NIB — Using a XIB to graphically create the Collection View Cell item
- Core Graphics 2D Drawing — 2D drawing using Core Graphics using UIView and CGContext
- Drag and Drop — Drop an image into a macOS app to load an image
- Image from URL — Asynchronous load of an image from the web
- JSON using SwiftyJSON — Parse JSON data using SwiftyJSON
- Markdown — Rendering a markdown file to a UIWebView using Markingbird by Kristopher Johnson
- Mustache Template — Rendering mustache templates using GRMustache.swift
- Navigation Controller — Simple view stack using Navigation Controller
- ScrollView — Zooming and panning an image through gestures
- XML using SWXMLHash — Parse XML data using SWXMLHash
- SpriteKit 2D Drawing — 2D drawing using SpriteKit SKShapdeNode and CGMutablePath
- SpriteKit Animate Sprite
- SpriteKit Draw Sprite
- SpriteKit Noise
- SpriteKit Physics
- SpriteKit Scene Transition