Installations: (make sure its > v0.5) (use bold)
- using the van gogh library select colorscheme monokai soda command to run van gogh:
bash -c "$(wget -qO-"
unzip the NerdFonts and execute the BitstreamVeraSansMono(bold). then add this to preferences in the terminal and also select monokai soda as main theme
Once Oh-my-zsh and powerlevel10k are installed run:
p10k configure
and select a nice visual look.
- Copy nvim folder from this directory to the right config for vim: for me in ubuntu the location is ~/.config/nvim put the content of the directory there and open nvim by running.
Once that is open type:
Once the installation of the plugins is done quit out of nvim and restart it.
For the nvim editor I took the inspiration of so thanks for this amazing nvim editor!