Install Python 3.10
pip install -r requirements.txt
Lexicon taken from here to sentiment
iconv -f windows-1256 -t UTF-8 AraSentiLexiconV1.0 > ar_lexicon.txt
Emoji sentiment is taken from here to help improve lexicon based twitter sentiment.
use emoji scoring from here
After pre-processing and cleaning tweet sentiment analysis is performed.
Here are the precision, recall, f1 and accuracy scores.
precision recall f1-score
positive 0.9988 0.9662 0.9822
neutral 0.8296 0.5304 0.6471
negative 0.8916 0.9987 0.9421
accuracy 0.9379
macro avg 0.9067 0.8317 0.8571
weighted avg 0.9374 0.9379 0.9331
Sentiment analysis performed using Amazon Comprehend service for Arabic language. Here are the results.
precision recall f1-score
positive 0.3171 0.4223 0.3622
neutral 0.5521 0.7354 0.6307
negative 0.6602 0.3069 0.4190
accuracy 0.5190
macro avg 0.5098 0.4882 0.4707
weighted avg 0.5542 0.5190 0.5048
We used logistic regression to perform sentiment analysis. Here are the results.
precision recall f1-score
positive 0.9234 0.9865 0.9539
neutral 0.8182 0.3058 0.4452
negative 0.9194 0.9780 0.9478
accuracy 0.9178
macro avg 0.8870 0.7568 0.7823
weighted avg 0.9116 0.9178 0.9027
Another model used to classify tweets is random forest. Here are the results
precision recall f1-score
positive 0.8453 0.9486 0.8940
neutral 0.7500 0.1000 0.1765
negative 0.8607 0.9135 0.8863
accuracy 0.8510
macro avg 0.8187 0.6540 0.6522
weighted avg 0.8425 0.8510 0.8208
Decision tree result.
Decision Tree Sentiment Analysis
precision recall f1-score
positive 0.7998 0.8289 0.8141
neutral 0.1429 0.0449 0.0684
negative 0.7351 0.8039 0.7680
accuracy 0.7539
macro avg 0.5593 0.5593 0.5502
weighted avg 0.7192 0.7539 0.7337
SVM results
SVM Sentiment Analysis
precision recall f1-score
positive 0.9184 0.9621 0.9398
neutral 0.6900 0.3333 0.4495
negative 0.9149 0.9727 0.9429
accuracy 0.9062
macro avg 0.8411 0.7561 0.7774
weighted avg 0.8950 0.9062 0.8940
Here are score for Binary Sentiment Analysis...
Lexicon Sentiment Analysis
precision recall f1-score
positive 0.9972 0.9685 0.9826
negative 0.9678 0.9971 0.9823
accuracy 0.9824
macro avg 0.9825 0.9828 0.9824
weighted avg 0.9829 0.9824 0.9825
Logistic Regression Sentiment Analysis
precision recall f1-score
positive 0.9599 0.9659 0.9629
negative 0.9631 0.9566 0.9599
accuracy 0.9615
macro avg 0.9615 0.9613 0.9614
weighted avg 0.9615 0.9615 0.9615
Random Forest Sentiment Analysis
precision recall f1-score
positive 0.8999 0.9266 0.9131
negative 0.9244 0.8969 0.9105
accuracy 0.9118
macro avg 0.9122 0.9118 0.9118
weighted avg 0.9122 0.9118 0.9118
Decision Tree Sentiment Analysis
precision recall f1-score
positive 0.8487 0.8472 0.8479
negative 0.8351 0.8367 0.8359
accuracy 0.8422
macro avg 0.8419 0.8419 0.8419
weighted avg 0.8422 0.8422 0.8422
SVM Sentiment Analysis
precision recall f1-score
positive 0.9529 0.9467 0.9498
negative 0.9478 0.9539 0.9508
accuracy 0.9503
macro avg 0.9504 0.9503 0.9503
weighted avg 0.9503 0.9503 0.9503