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A fastest framework for converting between Json String and Json Object. It's some categories that don't need to extends any other class. Convenient、Flexible、Easy to Use.


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  • A wonderful framework for converting between JsonString and JsonObject. Convenient、Flexible、Easy to Use.

  • The framework is Category of NSObject, don't need to extends any class.

  • If you like the framework or the framework help you a little, please make a star, which is great inspire for me.

  • 如果你喜欢这个框架,或者这个框架能给你一点点帮助,希望你可以收藏一下,你的行动就是对我最大的支持。

##Quick start 【快速使用】 Easy to use with 7 methods. 【7个基本方法】

JsonString -> JsonDictionary

NSDictionary *jsonDictionary = [jsonString toJsonDictionary];

JsonDictionary -> JsonObject

PersonModel *personModel = [PersonModel objectFromJsonDict:jsonDictionary];

JsonString -> JsonObject

PersonModel *personModel = [PersonModel objectFromJsonDict:[jsonString toJsonDictionary]];

JsonObject -> JsonDictionary

NSDictionary *jsonDictionary = [personModel toJsonDictionary];

JsonDictionary -> JsonString

NSString *jsonString = [jsonDictionary toJsonString];

JsonObject -> JsonString

NSString *jsonString = [personModel toJsonString];

JsonString -> JsonObjectArray

NSArray *personModels = [PersonModel objectArrayFromJsonArray:[jsonString toJsonArray]];


##Setup 【安装】

###Pod 【通过pod管理】

pod 'JsonReciprocity', '~> 1.0.0'

###Manually 【手动管理】

1.Download the JSONModel repository as a zip file or clone it.【下载源代码】

2.Copy the /JsonReciprocity/JsonReciprocity into your Xcode project.【把/JsonReciprocity/JsonReciprocity目录中下的文件加入工程】

├── JsonDeserialization.h
├── JsonDeserializstion.m
├── JsonReciprocity.h
├── JsonSerialization.h
├── JsonSerialization.m
├── NSMutableDictionary+SafeSet.h
├── NSMutableDictionary+SafeSet.m
├── NSObject+JsonReciprocity.h
└── NSObject+JsonReciprocity.m

## Get start 【使用】

###Define 【设定】

JsonString and JsonObject in the example.【例子中使用的JsonString和JsonObject】

	"id": 1420194,
	"name" : "Jack",
	"score" : 88.33,
	"register_date" : 1428647083,
	"last_login_time" : 1430642742,
    "house": {
        "address": "GuangZhou China",
        "area": 95.6,
@interface PersonModel : NSObject 
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger id;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat score;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *registerDate;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval lastLoginTime;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *cars;
@property (nonatomic, strong) HouseModel *house;

@implementation PersonModel

  • (NSDictionary *)classReferenceDictForArray { return @{@"cars": [CarModel class]}; } @end

//CarModel @interface CarModel : NSObject @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *num; @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *brand; @end

//HouseModel @interface HouseModel : NSObject @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *address; @property (assign, nonatomic) CGFloat area; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSArray *tags; @end

###Common usage 【基本用法】

#import "JsonReciprocity.h"

####JsonString -> JsonDictionary

- (void)jsonStringToJsonDictionary {
    NSString *jsonString = @"\
        \"id\": 1420194,\
        \"name\" : \"Jack\",\
        \"score\" : 88.33,\
        \"register_date\" : 1428647083,\
        \"last_login_time\" : 1430642742,\
        \"house\": {\
            \"address\": \"GuangZhou China\",\
            \"area\": 95.6,\
    NSDictionary *jsonDictionary = [jsonString toJsonDictionary];
    NSLog(@"jsonString: %@", jsonString);
    NSLog(@"jsonDictionary: %@", jsonDictionary);

####JsonDictionary -> JsonObject

- (void)jsonDictionaryToJsonObject {
    NSDictionary *jsonDictionary = @{
                                     @"name"  :@"Jack",
                                     @"score" : @"88.33",
                                     @"register_date": @"1428647083",
                                     @"last_login_time" : @"1430642742",
                                     @"house" : @{
                                             @"address" : @"GuangZhou China",
                                             @"area" : @(95.6),
                                             @"tags" : @[@"nice",
                                     @"cars" : @[@{
    PersonModel *personModel = [PersonModel objectFromJsonDict:jsonDictionary];
    NSLog(@"jsonDictionary: %@", jsonDictionary);
    NSLog(@"jsonObject: %@", personModel);

####JsonString -> JsonObject

- (void)jsonStringToJsonObject {
    NSString *jsonString = @"\
    \"id\": 1420194,\
    \"name\" : \"Jack\",\
    \"score\" : 88.33,\
    \"register_date\" : 1428647083,\
    \"last_login_time\" : 1430642742,\
    \"house\": {\
        \"address\": \"GuangZhou China\",\
        \"area\": 95.6,\
    PersonModel *personModel = [PersonModel objectFromJsonDict:[jsonString toJsonDictionary]];
    NSLog(@"jsonString: %@", jsonString);
    NSLog(@"jsonModel: %@", personModel);

####JsonObject -> JsonDictionary

- (void)jsonOjectToJsonDictionary {
    PersonModel *personModel = [[PersonModel alloc] init]; = 1420194; = @"Jack";
    personModel.score = 88.33;
    personModel.registerDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:1428647083];

    HouseModel *house = [[HouseModel alloc] init];
    house.address = @"GuangZhou China";
    house.area = 95.6;
    house.tags = @[@"nice", @"comfort"]; = house;

    CarModel *car = [[CarModel alloc] init];
    car.brand = @"benz";
    car.num = @"A14212"; = @[car];

    NSDictionary *jsonDictionary = [personModel toJsonDictionary];

    NSLog(@"jsonObject: %@", personModel);
    NSLog(@"jsonDictionary: %@", jsonDictionary);

####JsonDictionary -> JsonString

- (void)jsonDictionaryToJsonString {
    NSDictionary *jsonDictionary = @{
                                     @"name"  :@"Jack",
                                     @"score" : @"88.33",
                                     @"register_date": @"1428647083",
                                     @"last_login_time" : @"1430642742",
                                     @"house" : @{
                                             @"address" : @"GuangZhou China",
                                             @"area" : @(95.6),
                                             @"tags" : @[@"nice",
                                     @"cars" : @[@{
    NSString *jsonString = [jsonDictionary toJsonString];
    NSLog(@"jsonDictionary: %@", jsonDictionary);
    NSLog(@"jsonString: %@", jsonString);

####JsonObject -> JsonString

- (void)jsonObjectToJsonString {
    PersonModel *personModel = [[PersonModel alloc] init]; = 1420194; = @"Jack";
    personModel.score = 88.33;
    personModel.registerDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:1428647083];

    HouseModel *house = [[HouseModel alloc] init];
    house.address = @"GuangZhou China";
    house.area = 95.6;
    house.tags = @[@"nice", @"comfort"]; = house;

    CarModel *car = [[CarModel alloc] init];
    car.brand = @"benz";
    car.num = @"A14212"; = @[car];
    NSString *jsonString = [personModel toJsonString];
    NSLog(@"jsonObject: %@", personModel);
    NSLog(@"jsonString: %@", jsonString);

####JsonString -> JsonObjectArray

- (void)jsonStringToJsonObjectArray {
    NSString *jsonString = @"\
        \"id\": 1420194,\
        \"name\" : \"Jack\",\
        \"score\" : 88.33,\
        \"register_date\" : 1428647083,\
        \"last_login_time\" : 1430642742,\
        \"house\": {\
            \"address\": \"GuangZhou China\",\
            \"area\": 95.6,\
        \"id\": 1420194,\
        \"name\" : \"Jack\",\
        \"score\" : 88.33,\
        \"register_date\" : 1428647083,\
        \"last_login_time\" : 1430642742,\
        \"house\": {\
            \"address\": \"GuangZhou China\",\
            \"area\": 95.6,\
    NSArray *personModels = [PersonModel objectArrayFromJsonArray:[jsonString toJsonArray]];

    NSLog(@"jsonString: %@", jsonString);
    NSLog(@"jsonObjects: %@", personModels);


More flexible when using JsonReciprocityDelegate.


If the json object contains another object array, it is necessary to indicate what class it need to reference. Otherwise, it is a NSArray with NSDictionary.

+ (NSDictionary *)classReferenceDictForArray {
    return @{@"cars": [CarModel class]};


Alias with property name 【指定映射的别名】

    "indexIdString" : @"111",
    "name" : @"jack",
    "personal_info_deatil" : @"A nice man"
@interface TestModel : NSObject 
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger index;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *detail;

@implementation TestModel

  • (NSDictionary *)customReferenceDict { return @{ @"indexIdString": @"index", @"personal_info_deatil" : "detail" }; } @end

PS:Only define the custom property, other properties will auto reference. 【不需要把每个变量都写上,只需要写特定的,其他没指定的依然会按照变量名命映射。】


What propertys should be ignore. 【忽略某些属性】

- (BOOL)isIgnorePropertyKey:(NSString *)key {
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"test"]) {
        return YES;
    return NO;


Auto convert UpperCase tp CamelCase, default is YES. If you don't need to convert, return NO.

+ (BOOL)autoUpperCaseToCamelCase {
    return NO;

Auto convert Example 【自动转换例子】

Without a word, only to define the model, frameword will help you to convert this Irregular json string. 【你不需要写任何代码,把模型定义好,框架就能帮你转换这些不规则的json字符串。】

    "Id" : 111,
    "user_Id" : 4096,
    "car_id" : 1234,
    "__camel___CASE__tEST__": "this is string"
@interface IrregularTestModel : NSObject 

@property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger id; @property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger userId; @property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger carId; @property (strong, nonatomic) NSDate *lastDate; @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *camelCaseTest;



If value is incorrect auto converting, you can custom value as you want.

    "date1" : "2015/07/11",
    "date2" : "2015.05.29",
    "content_detail" : "this is a detail",
@interface TestModel : NSObject 
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSDate *date1;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSDate *date2;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *str;

@implementation TestModel

  • (id)customFormat:(NSString *)keyPath value:(id)value { if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"date1"]) { NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; formatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy/MM/dd"; NSDate *date = [formatter dateFromString:value]; return date; } else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"date2"]) { NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; formatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy.MM.dd"; NSDate *date = [formatter dateFromString:value]; return date; } return value; } @end

###Solution for Some Cases 【特殊情况下的解决办法】

####1.One json key to many object keys 【一个json键对应多个object键】

Use customFormat 【通过customFormat】

- (id)customFormat:(NSString *)keyPath value:(id)value {
    if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"propertyKey"]) {
    	self.b = value;
    	self.c = value;
    return value;

####2.Many json keys to one object key 【多个json键对应一个object键】

Use customReferenceDict 【通过customReferenceDict】

+ (NSDictionary *)customReferenceDict {
    return @{
             @"json_key_1": @"propertyKey",
             @"json_key_2": @"propertyKey",
             @"json_key_3": @"propertyKey",

PS: Many json keys should be exclusionary.【多个json键之间应该是互斥的,不应该同时出现。】

##Compare with other framework【框架对比】

There is a comparison for JsonReciprocity, MJExtension, JSONModel, Mantle.
Convert a complex JsonString to JsonObject for 1, 5 ,10, 20 ,50 times.


Framework 1 5 10 20 50
JsonReciprocity 0.00257 0.01566 0.01882 0.04048 0.09789
MJExtension 0.00292 0.01692 0.02674 0.04568 0.11325
JsonModel 0.00553 0.02781 0.05554 0.09780 0.23649
Mantel 0.01668 0.06899 0.12888 0.23499 0.53936


For data, JsonReciprocity ≈ MJExtension > JSONModel > Mantle, time rate is about 1 : 1.1 : 2.2 : 5.3.

【从测试数据来看,JsonReciprocity ≈ MJExtension > JSONModel > Mantle,时间比大约是1 : 1.1 : 2.2 : 5.3。】

This is only one Tests here, everybody can make more other Tests.


PS:Tests example with data in ObjectSerializationTests.【对比的例子与数据在ObjectSerializationTests

##More 【其他用法】

More cases reference to JsonReciporcity Demo and JsonReciporcity Tests 【更多的用法可以查看Demo和Tests】

##About (关于)

###Writer 【作者信息】 GitHub:Javen
Email:[email protected]

###Issue 【任何问题】

  • Communication with Email or QQ.
  • If find bugs, feedback to me immediately.
  • If need some feature, feedback to me.
  • If some better idea, feedback to me.
  • If you want contribution, Pull Requests.

* 想交流的可以加qq和发邮件 * 如果发现任何bug,希望你立即告诉我 * 希望有什么新功能,请尽管告诉我 * 如果用起来觉得那里不爽的,欢迎吐槽我 * 如果你想为贡献代码,Pull Requests即可


A fastest framework for converting between Json String and Json Object. It's some categories that don't need to extends any other class. Convenient、Flexible、Easy to Use.







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