Core Library For Nitro MVC
const nitro = require('@jaydadarkar/nitrocore');
let abc = nitro.strings.first('This Is Test String'); // Returns T
first: Returns first character of a string.
last: Returns last character of a string.
strLength: Returns length of the string.
subString: Returns a substring.
uppercase: Returns a converted to uppercase string.
lowercase: Returns a converted to lowercase string.
capitalize: Returns a string with every first word of the string uppercased.
wordCount: Returns number of words in a string.
random: Returns a randomly generated alpha-numeric string.
const nitro = require('@jaydadarkar/nitrocore');
let abc = nitro.arrays.first(['abc', 'pqr', 'xyz']); // Returns abc
first: Returns first element of an array.
last: Returns last element of an array.
sort: Returns a sorted array.
randomSort: Returns a randomly sorted array.
arrayJoin: Returns a concatinated array.
random: Returns a random element from an array.
min: returns the minimum element of an array.
max: returns the maximum element of an array.
const nitro = require('@jaydadarkar/nitrocore');
// Add middleware To The Route upload.single('myFile')
// Your Controller
module.exports.controller = async (req,res,next) => {
await'public', req.file); // Save A User Uploaded File To Storage/Public/Uploads
put: Uploads A File To Public, Local, AWS S3 And Google Cloud.
get: Returns A Buffer Object Of The File. You Can Store This Object In A Variable And Write It To A File.
delete: Deletes A File From Public, Local, AWS S3 And Google Cloud.
// Route
router.get('/products/:page?', parseForm, csrfProtection, controller.products);
// Controller
export.products = async (req,res) => {
await Products.find({}, function(err,Products){
Products = nitro.paginate(req,20,Products); // req: Express req object, 20: Limit, Products: Mongoose Object
res.render('shop/products', {csrfToken: req.csrfToken(), products:, links: Products.links});
res.render('errors/messages', {val_errors: err});
// Edit Your View. Apply Foreach to products and add links at bottom
<%- links %>
nitro.log(data) // Appends data to nitrolog.log file in storage/logs
(v1.2.0) => { Pagination, Logger }
(v1.1.0) => { Storage Method }
(v1.0.0) => {String Methods, Array Methods}