Simple Resque queue client for Go.
This is a fork of go-resque (one of many).
Differences from the original are:
- it is a Go module
- travis config is updated to use newer Go versions
- all drivers except one removed
- this driver is go-redis v9
- driver update required changes in some signatures to include context.Context
- also, in newer Redis versions some commands are deprecated, and I used suggested replacements (namely, ZRANGE instead of ZRANGEBYSCORE)
Installation is simple and familiar for Go programmers:
go get
Let's assume that you have such Resque Job (taken from Resque examples):
module Demo
class Job
def self.perform(params)
puts "Processed a job!"
So, we can enqueue this job from Go.
package main
import (
"" // Redis client from go-redis package
"" // Import this package
_ "" // Use go-redis v9
func main() {
var err error
// Create new Redis client to use for enqueuing
client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: "",
DB: 0,
// Create enqueuer instance
enqueuer := resque.NewRedisEnqueuer(context.Background(), "redis.v9", client, "resque:")
// Enqueue the job into the "go" queue with appropriate client
_, err = enqueuer.Enqueue(context.Background(), "go", "Demo::Job")
if err != nil {
// Enqueue into the "default" queue with passing one parameter to the Demo::Job.perform
_, err = enqueuer.Enqueue(context.Background(), "default", "Demo::Job", 1)
if err != nil {
// Enqueue into the "extra" queue with passing multiple
// parameters to the Demo::Job.perform so it will fail
_, err = enqueuer.Enqueue(context.Background(), "extra", "Demo::Job", 1, 2, "woot")
if err != nil {
Simple enough? I hope so.
Just open pull request or ping me directly on e-mail, if you want to discuss some ideas.