Releases: jd-opensource/drip-form
Releases · jd-opensource/drip-form
0.8.1 (2022-06-29)
Bug Fixes
- form: collapsed object container in array container is not displayed after deletion (#218) (9454c8b)
- form: when collapse is folded, tooltip does not show (#223) (adf9d43)
- generator: compatibility with old data (#214) (8aec201)
- generator: compatibility with old data (#215) (3ac1ab9), closes #214
- generator: compatibility with old data (#217) (ece5bfc)
- generator: turn off the required validation, the required field is not properly deleted (#216) (fcd64c4)
- utils: handleMargin function cannot properly handle the width when margin is set to 4 values (#222) (70f9a4c)
0.8.0 (2022-06-01)
- form: array container supports sorting (#206) (7a60b0b)
- generator: delete element automatically selects the neighboring previous element or the parent (945196a)
- generator: options add pointerEvents to configure whether the ViewPort area form is clickable (#192) (9d42ae2)
- generator: options add propertyConfig configuration (#209) (0c29221)
- generator: prompt for unsaved JSON when exporting JSON (#184) (ef77401)
- generator: support the same type for different themes (#211) (23cf581)
- thema: checkbox supports select all (#205) (b80e38a)
- add className for different form modes (c577ae1)
- combine method supports configuring the configuration to transform fieldkeys (f3fef68)
- customize component fontSize and fontColor (#178) (3199e29)
- footer element support customize style (#167) (6ad9ba6)
- form support view mode (bf61f3f)
- nullField add styleType configuration (#158) (dca0687)
- title add showColon configuration (#199) (d8d32ef)
- utils: parseUnitedSchema supports transparent DataSchema keywords (#190) (a1062c3)
- title support fontSize、color configuration (#177) (d83836c)
- generator: support customize layout width (97eddeb)
Bug Fixes
- generator: change the default values for part of the property configuration (#212) (cdf5389)
- margin affect the number of layout columns (#210) (e5ebb44)
- generator: add components,typePath missing unitedSchemaPath (d2f0058)
- generator: after schema prop is configured, the exported JSON schemas are inconsistent (#201) (3fe38d7)
- generator: child element cannot be selected (d9de73d)
- generator: copy fieldKey is not effective (#159) (857fe65)
- generator: default configuration is not effective (7e97006)
- generator: fix error where value in order is not in category (#187) (a5290f8)
- generator: fix the viewport area form width in non-generator mode (#175) (e5bf6eb)
- generator: fixed default options configuration not taking effect (#202) (4789f6f)
- generator: fixed dragging and sorting child elements in tuple containers (e9f700f)
- generator: fixed dragging and sorting child elements in tuple containers (14257d0)
- generator: fixed edit JSON crash after modifying fieldKey (052190d)
- generator: fixed the default width of the global ContainerStyle (#200) (cf9cad1)
- theme: upload component cannot preview images after exportToString is enabled (#197) (a02a78a)
- fixed custom component tooltip not displayed (#193) (2078d0f)
- generator: timePicker、datePicker range default configuration is not effective (#174) (08cc571)
0.7.0 (2022-03-14)
- add generator configuration for antd theme (#156) (bec30a0)
- generator: colorPicker add defaultValue configuration (b896ef0)
- generator: datepicker add default configuration (a238424)
- generator: restore default when the fieldKey out of focus (#145) (f36c099)
- generator: support change fieldKey in the property configuration panel (#144) (9681f62)
- generator: timePicker add default configuration (bac3e72)
- add ajvOptions prop to customize ajv configurationn (#148) (cfe27e9)
- containerStyle configuration add padding prop (27cefed)
- onValidate prop support submit type (#143) (ceae921)
- unitedSchema JSON add requiredMode configuration (#150) (7e717ef)
- viewportConfig support function type (#142) (2499c39)
- generator: viewport区域操作栏支持配置显隐 (#141) (fcf53cd)
- generator: 更改组件类型时,如果已经修改了预设title,则保留 (#136) (c39710b)
Bug Fixes
- generator: the forms in visual area and preview area are inconsistent (#152) (4f90853)
- 修复存在parse prop时重置失效问题 (#134) (239f7e0)
- generator: 修复导入json, viewport区域不更新问题 (#135) (76de430)
- generator: 修复属性配置区域数组对象结构展示标题导致样式错乱 (#132) (7b7040e)
0.6.0 (2022-01-24)
- ajv keyword添加gbkLength关键字 (#129) (ea35c0d)
- generator: 对象容器支持配置更多样式 (6c6bec8)
- 表单布局支持配置外边距 (2016881)
- ajv: ajv format添加jsonObject关键字校验json对象 (fa75163)
- generator: 对象容器折叠模式添加默认展开配置项 (1877218)
- containerHoc支持获取子组件ui配置 (714ac6d)
- 数组容器删除子项支持二次确认配置 (33eeff8)
Bug Fixes
- generator勾选一项必填,同级必填配置丢失 (2e252aa)
- reset导致visbleFieldKey清空,错误信息无法展示 (c4d839c)
- 修复errorMessage在对象数组未透传问题 (d69d1d6)
- 修复数组子项为空,当前项自动被删除问题 (#128) (5c8e66b)
- 嵌套表单对象容器必填失效问题 (532a118)
- 数组内部子元素校验失效 (#126) (6f0a89e)
- 数组容器点击删除未删除错误内容 (ce11e27)
- 数组容器组件key兜底使用数组下标导致删除错乱 (#131) (cc73d8d)
- 校验配置0,错误文案配置不展示 (5f0f211)
0.2.0 (2022-01-07)
- generator: add description for number input precision config (5eeb67b)
- generator: add description for upload accept config (9f52274)
- generator: regular verification configuration supports emptying options (290d324)
- 支持复制fieldKey (#89) (a063827)
- 支持自定义组件区域和属性配置区域 (4d9477f)
- 支持header配置 (2568ee2)
- array container support showNo config (16f92a5)
- generator schema非必填 (628553f)
- generator数组容器支持配置新增按钮文案 (f4693e8)
- module bar styles support custom (#76) (5b950b0)
- ref外抛submit、reset函数 (#85) (a00704e)
- upload support img size limit (#102) (acbd278)
- uploader support maxCount (#72) (0c01435)
- drip-form-plugin-eggjs: add drip-form-plugin-eggjs (#20) (cef14a9)
Bug Fixes
- 对象嵌套拖拽报错 (#79) (a45f4a7)
- 切换monaco-editor cdn路径 (#78) (96dbcde)
- 时间选择器,默认占位符文案保持一致 (#105) (5b61efb)
- 数组容器无默认值报错 (#75) (010adcf)
- 修改组件初始默认值设置 (6ba869f)
- custom keyword duplicate error (#84) (afcaa7d)
- editConfig parse 函数 showTitle 判空逻辑错误修复 (#77) (bde5531)
- monaco-editor always in loading (5f50fa9)
- property panel、 check panel not reload (#90) (6c13d7a)
- provide a default key for dynamic children (#53) (3abe606)
- ref外抛submit函数 (#93) (6ceffa7)
- the delete button of the first component of the visible area is hidden (#94) (e388b6b)
- upload preview error (#83) (fab9052)
- utils: 修复parse无法解析顶层$:xxx自定义属性的问题 (36235e5)
- 删除无用样式,避免样式冲突 (c252e3e)