A drop-in replacement for helm serve
which starts a ChartMuseum web server.
$ helm plugin install https://github.com/jdolitsky/helm-servecm
Installed plugin: servecm
If ChartMuseum is not installed, it will ask to install the latest stable release upon use:
$ helm servecm
ChartMuseum not installed. Install latest stable release? (type "yes"): yes
Attempting to install ChartMuseum server (v0.4.2)...
Detected your os as "darwin"
+ curl -LO https://s3.amazonaws.com/chartmuseum/release/v0.4.2/bin/darwin/amd64/chartmuseum
Pass in the same args you would use for ChartMuseum:
$ helm servecm --help
S3 bucket example (bucket containing nothing but drupal-0.9.1.tgz
$ export DEBUG=1 # this is needed if you want debug, helm steals the flag
$ helm servecm --port=8879 --context-path=/charts \
--storage="amazon" \
--storage-amazon-bucket="my-s3-bucket" \
--storage-amazon-prefix="" \
2018-03-22T17:42:45.815-0500 DEBUG Fetching chart list from storage
2018-03-22T17:42:46.893-0500 DEBUG Regenerating index.yaml
2018-03-22T17:42:46.893-0500 DEBUG Loading charts packages from storage (this could take awhile) {"total": 1}
2018-03-22T17:42:46.974-0500 DEBUG Adding chart to index {"name": "drupal", "version": "0.9.1"}
2018-03-22T17:42:46.974-0500 DEBUG index.yaml regenerated
2018-03-22T17:42:46.974-0500 INFO Starting ChartMuseum {"port": 8879}
Then use with Helm CLI:
helm repo add local
helm install local/drupal
Project layout taken from adamreese/helm-nuke.