A JHipster module that generates entities for all definitions in a swagger document
This is a JHipster module, that is intended to be applied to a JHipster application. This module is used to generates entities for all definitions in a swagger document
As this is a JHipster module, we expect you have JHipster and its related tools already installed:
If you are using Yarn:
# install the module
yarn global add generator-jhipster-swagger-migration
# update the module
yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster-swagger-migration
If you are using npm:
#install the module
npm install -g generator-jhipster-swagger-migration
# update the module
npm update -g generator-jhipster-swagger-migration
After installation, run the module on a JHipster generated application:
yo jhipster-swagger-migration .\petstore.yaml
Apache-2.0 © Jonathan Duggan