This script will check if Zoom is currently in a call, and update your Slack status accordingly.
It's using the "osascript" command so it's only working on MacOS
Tested on Catalina with bash 5.0
Copy to ~/scripts and make it executable
mkdir ~/scripts
cp ~/scripts
chmod +x ~/scripts/
Copy slack-status-when-using-zoom.plist to ~/Library/LaunchAgents
cp slack-status-when-using-zoom.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
Edit slack-status-when-using-zoom.plist if the script is in a different folder
Enable the script to run every minutes :
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/slack-status-when-using-zoom.plist
launchctl list slack-status-when-using-zoom
To allow osascript to run, edit : System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility
To create the "User token", as described on
- Go to : > Create a Slack App > pick a name, and your workspace > Create App
- OAuth & Permissions > Scopes > User Token Scopes > Add an OAuth Scopes > users.profile:write
- OAuth & Permissions > Install App to Workspace > Allow
- OAuth & Permissions > OAuth Tokens & Redirect URLs > Tokens for Your Workspace > OAuth Access Token > copy the token starting with "xoxp-"
- Add the token to
Edit your name in