Calculate the sunset and sunrise time based on the date and the latitude/longitude.
Based on the algorithm found on ( page since the domain is no longer available) :
To use, simply enter the necessary inputs at the beginning of the script. More info on the zenith parameter can be found here:
To use, import the module and create an object like so:
>>> import datetime
>>> from sunrise_sunset import SunriseSunset
>>> ro = SunriseSunset(, latitude=46.805,
>>> rise_time, set_time = ro.calculate()
>>> print rise_time, set_time
2015-12-18 12:25:00 2015-12-18 20:57:00
>>> # Or you can specify the current time zone, like so
>>> ro = SunriseSunset(, latitude=46.805,
longitude=-71.2316, localOffset=-5)
>>> rise_time, set_time = ro.calculate()
>>> print rise_time, set_time
2015-12-18 07:25:00 2015-12-18 15:57:00
Finally, don't forget to modify the offset for the timezone. Best is to leave it at 0 to get UTC.
This module is compatible with Python 2 and Python 3. It has been tested under python 2.7.10 and python 3.4.3+ on Ubuntu.
A CLI interface is also available. Type python -h
for help. Required arguments are the longitude and the latitude in decimal degrees. You can optionally specify the timezone via an offset to UTC and a specific date for the calculation.