Imagine the digits in the test set of the MNIST dataset ( got cut in half vertically and shuffled around. Implement a way to restore the original test set from the two halves, whilst maximising the overall matching accuracy.
This repository is the training and inference code for a deep learning approach to solve the above.
An obvious method to solve this problem is to train a neural network contrastively. That is, a digit for which the left and right halves are from the same image has a label of 1
and a label of 0
Then, for each possible pair of left and right halves, the model predicts a label. To restore the original digit, we need only solve the assignment problem, which has an excellent implementation in scipy.
An amphisbaena is a two-headed snake. Unlike a siamese network, the image recognition arms do not share parameters.
Install with poetry
poetry install
Begin by sweeping for usable hyperparameters.
wandb login
poetry run cli --wandb-project amphisbaena sweep --sweep-config-fp sweep.yml
Once an acceptable model is trained, check the artifact path in wandb.
wandb artifact get jfisher40/amphisbaena/amphisbaena:v6
Alternately, use git lfs to download the model that I already trained.
git lfs pull
import torch
from pl_bolts.datamodules.mnist_datamodule import MNISTDataModule
from amphisbaena.model import Amphisbaena
from amphisbaena.viz import visualize_model_outputs, visualize_shuffled_batch
from import create_shuffled_batch, split
model = Amphisbaena.from_checkpoint("highly_performing_conv_model.ckpt")
Preprocess the MNIST data
data = MNISTDataModule(
batch_size=512 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 64,
if backbone.startswith("conv"):
pipeline = [T.Resize((100, 100)), data.default_transforms()]
transforms = T.Compose(pipeline)
data.train_transforms = data.val_transforms = data.test_transforms = transforms
data.train_transforms = data.val_transforms = data.test_transforms = None
Run inference with the .assign()
from import split
batch = next(iter(data.val_dataloader()))
(imgs, _) = batch
lefts, rights = split(imgs)
model.assign(lefts, rights).idxs_left_pred
You can visualize the matching with the visualize_model_outputs
visualize_model_outputs(model, imgs[:8,...]);
A well-performing model will produce a visualization where left-halves have a high-score when matched to their corresponding right-halves. These correct matches are on the diagonal. A high-score is blue.
Correspondingly, the incorrect matches (which are off-diagonal) should have a low-score. Low-score is yellow.
A poorly performing model will assign high-scores to incorrect matches and low-scores to correct matches, like so: