React, Redux, Javascript, node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Axios, JWT, Jest, TMDb API, Heroku
The project consists on a movie app with a Netflix-like visual style where, once logged in, users are able to:
- Fetch movies from a third-party API
- See movie details
- Like and dislike movies
- Leave comments
- Add movies to their favourites section
- Update their account settings:
- Username
- Password
- Avatar
- Deactivate their account
You will find it deployed on Heroku under the url:
The folder structure consists on three main sub-folders:
client: contains the code corresponding to the frontend of the application, which was developed using the JavaScript library React.
server: here it is stored the code for the backend of the application, for which the technologies used were mainly node.js, Express and MongoDB.
project-documentation: includes a descriptive memory of the project along with a short presentation about it.
All endpoints return a JSON object with the following format:
// If everything went ok
data: [{...}],
error: null
// In case an error occurs
data: null,
error: "Error message"
return code is used for malformed requests; the issue is on the sender's side. - HTTP
return code is used when trying to access a protected endpoint without providing a JWT. - HTTP
return code is used when trying to access a protected endpoint with an invalid JWT. - HTTP
return code is used for internal errors; the issue is on the API side.
- Jorge García Torralba → jorge-garcia