Back end API for Uniswap10 - a customizeable index of cryptocurrencies traded on Uniswap. Track the top cryptocurrencies on the most popular decentralized exchange.
Uniswap10 is an index representing the hypothetical investment performance of a liquidity-weighted allocation strategy. Get broad exposure to the DeFi ecosystem by following market trends. Customize the strategy parameters to fit your trading style.
Technologies: Node, Express, Postgres, GraphQL
Data sources: The Graph, AlphaVantage
Requires Node.js 13.2.0 or later
yarn install
ornpm install
cp sample.env .env
Create prod and test databases in Postgres
Put database URLs in .env
Put AV API key in .env
Migrate DB:
yarn migrate
ornpm migrate
(Production) Schedule cron job to run
yarn update-db
ornpm update-db
every 24h
Start server: yarn start
or npm run start
Develop: yarn dev
or npm dev
Fetch new data and update DB: yarn update-db
or npm update-db
Migrate up DB: yarn migrate
or npm migrate
Truncate DB: yarn truncate
or npm run truncate
Deploy to Heroku (must set up first): yarn deploy
or npm run deploy
Generate CSV file of Uniswap10 Index: yarn csv
or npm csv
Query params:
- Strategy rebalance period
- integer 1 - 365
- Liquidity weight factor (0 = use volume only)
- integer 0 - 1
- base currency
- 'usd' or 'eth'
heroku create
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
yarn migrate:production
ornpm migrate:production
heroku addons:create scheduler:standard
Configure scheduler on Heroku dashboard to run
yarn update-db
ornpm update-db
every 24 hr -
heroku config:set AV_API_KEY=<your API key>
yarn deploy
ornpm run deploy
heroku ps:scale web=1