Releases: jianshu93/gsearch
Releases · jianshu93/gsearch
Release add HubNSW
new release with submodules
This release includes submodules such as hnswcore, bindash
New release for bioconda
Add new release for bioconda
release for bioconda
this release is for bioconda
new release for macOS
In addition to gsearch, several other programs are also provided for genome comparison, gene prediction, profile search
new release for gsearch v0.2.0 (bioconda release)
Add superANI subcommand for ANI calculation
new release with ANI calculator
With this release, we added new ANI calculator in additional to the MinHash estimated ANI.
Release 0.1.9 supernal
new release
GSearch new release v0.1.7
With this new release, both optimal densification and faster (or reverse) optimal densification are supported. SuperMinHash 2 amino acid support.