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jiazhao97 authored Feb 21, 2019
1 parent a0cd9f3 commit 4c488cd
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Showing 8 changed files with 390 additions and 0 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions BWMR-master.Rproj
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Version: 1.0

RestoreWorkspace: Default
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EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
UseSpacesForTab: Yes
NumSpacesForTab: 2
Encoding: UTF-8

RnwWeave: Sweave
LaTeX: pdfLaTeX

BuildType: Package
PackageUseDevtools: Yes
PackageInstallArgs: --no-multiarch --with-keep.source
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions BWMR.Rproj
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Version: 1.0

RestoreWorkspace: Default
SaveWorkspace: Default
AlwaysSaveHistory: Default

EnableCodeIndexing: Yes
UseSpacesForTab: Yes
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Encoding: UTF-8

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LaTeX: pdfLaTeX

AutoAppendNewline: Yes
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BuildType: Package
PackageUseDevtools: Yes
PackageInstallArgs: --no-multiarch --with-keep.source
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Package: BWMR
Type: Package
Title: Bayesian Weighted Mendelian Randomization (BWMR)
Version: 0.1.1
Author: Jia Zhao
Maintainer: The package maintainer <[email protected]>
Description: Inference the causality based on BWMR method
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions R/BWMR.R
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###### VEM and Inference for BWMR ######
## gammahat: SNP-exposure effect;
## Gammahat: SNP-outcome effect;
## sigmaX: standard error of SNP-exposure effect;
## sigmaY: standard error of SNP-outcome effect;
## beta (result[[1]]): the estimate of beta;
## se_beta (result[[2]]): the estimate the standard error of beta;
## P-value (result[[3]]): P-value
## plot1 (result[[4]]): Plot of Data with Standard Error Bar;
## plot2 (result[[5]]): Trace Plot of Logarithm of Approximate Data Likelihood;
## plot3 (result[[6]]): Estimate of Weight of Each Data Point;
## plot4 (result[[7]]): Plot of Weighted Data and Its Regression Result.

# packages

# known parameters for the prior distributions
sqsigma0 <- (1e+6)^2
alpha <- 10

## define function to calculate ELBO and E[Lc] (the approximate log-likelihood)
ELBO_func <- function(N, gammahat, Gammahat, sqsigmaX, sqsigmaY, mu_beta, sqsigma_beta, mu_gamma, sqsigma_gamma, a, b, pi_w, sqsigma, sqtau) {
# + E[log p(gammahat, sqsigmaX | gamma)]
l <- - 0.5*sum(log(sqsigmaX)) - 0.5*sum(((gammahat-mu_gamma)^2+sqsigma_gamma)/sqsigmaX)
# + E[log p(Gammahat, sqsigmaY| beta, gamma, w, sqtau)]
l <- l - 0.5*log(2*pi)*sum(pi_w) - 0.5*sum(pi_w*log(sqsigmaY+sqtau))
l <- l - 0.5*sum(pi_w*((mu_beta^2+sqsigma_beta)*(mu_gamma^2+sqsigma_gamma)-2*mu_beta*mu_gamma*Gammahat+Gammahat^2)/(sqsigmaY+sqtau))
# + E[log p(beta | sqsigma0)]
l <- l - 0.5*(mu_beta^2+sqsigma_beta)/sqsigma0
# + E[log p(gamma | sqsigma)]
l <- l - 0.5*N*log(sqsigma) - 0.5/sqsigma*sum(mu_gamma^2+sqsigma_gamma)
# + E[log p(w | pi1)]
l <- l + (digamma(a)-digamma(a+b))*sum(pi_w) + (digamma(b)-digamma(a+b))*(N-sum(pi_w))
# + E[log p(pi1)]
l <- l + (alpha-1)*(digamma(a)-digamma(a+b))

# - E[log q(beta)]
l <- l + 0.5*log(sqsigma_beta)
# - E[log q(gamma)]
l <- l + 0.5*sum(log(sqsigma_gamma))
# - E[log q(pi1)]
l <- l - (a-1)*(digamma(a)-digamma(a+b)) - (b-1)*(digamma(b)-digamma(a+b)) + lbeta(a, b)
# - E[log q(w)]
# Need to check if pi_w = 0 or pi_w = 1, since there are log terms of pi_w and 1 - pi_w.
# e1 <- pi_w*log(pi_w)
# e2 <- (1-pi_w)*log(1-pi_w)
# e1[which(pi_w == 0)] <- 0
# e2[which(pi_w == 1)] <- 0
# l <- l - sum(e1+e2)
l <- l - sum(pi_w*log(pi_w+(pi_w==0)) + (1-pi_w)*log(1-pi_w+(pi_w==1)))
# l: ELBO

BWMR <- function(gammahat, Gammahat, sigmaX, sigmaY) {
## data
N <- length(gammahat)
sqsigmaX <- sigmaX^2
sqsigmaY <- sigmaY^2

### Variational EM algorithm ###
# initialize
# initial parameters of BWMR
beta <- 0
sqtau <- 1^2
sqsigma <- 1^2
# initial parameters of variational distribution
mu_gamma <- gammahat
sqsigma_gamma <- rep(0.1, N)
pi_w <- rep(0.5, N)
# declare sets of ELBO and approximate log-likelihood
ELBO_set <- numeric(0)

for (iter in 1:5000) {
## Variational E-Step
# beta
sqsigma_beta <- 1/(1/sqsigma0 + sum(pi_w*(mu_gamma^2+sqsigma_gamma)/(sqsigmaY+sqtau)))
mu_beta <- sum(pi_w*mu_gamma*Gammahat/(sqsigmaY+sqtau))*sqsigma_beta
# gamma
sqsigma_gamma <- 1/(1/sqsigmaX + pi_w*(mu_beta^2+sqsigma_beta)/(sqsigmaY+sqtau) + 1/sqsigma)
mu_gamma <- (gammahat/sqsigmaX + pi_w*Gammahat*mu_beta/(sqsigmaY+sqtau))*sqsigma_gamma
# pi1
a <- alpha + sum(pi_w)
b <- N + 1 - sum(pi_w)
# w
q0 <- exp(digamma(b) - digamma(a+b))
q1 <- exp(- 0.5*log(2*pi) - 0.5*log(sqsigmaY+sqtau) - 0.5*((mu_beta^2+sqsigma_beta)*(mu_gamma^2+sqsigma_gamma)-2*mu_beta*mu_gamma*Gammahat+Gammahat^2)/(sqsigmaY+sqtau) + digamma(a)-digamma(a+b))
pi_w <- q1/(q0+q1)

if (sum(pi_w) == 0){
message("Invalid IVs!")
mu_beta = NA
se_beta = NA
P_value = NA
return(list(beta=NA, se_beta=NA, P_value=NA))

## M-Step
sqsigma <- sum(mu_gamma^2 + sqsigma_gamma)/N
sqtau <- sum(pi_w*((mu_beta^2+sqsigma_beta)*(mu_gamma^2+sqsigma_gamma)-2*mu_beta*mu_gamma*Gammahat+Gammahat^2)*sqtau^2/((sqsigmaY+sqtau)^2)) / sum(pi_w/(sqsigmaY+sqtau))
sqtau <- sqrt(sqtau)

## check ELBO
ELBO <- ELBO_func(N, gammahat, Gammahat, sqsigmaX, sqsigmaY, mu_beta, sqsigma_beta, mu_gamma, sqsigma_gamma, a, b, pi_w, sqsigma, sqtau)
ELBO_set <- c(ELBO_set, ELBO)
if (iter > 1 && (abs((ELBO_set[iter]-ELBO_set[iter-1])/ELBO_set[iter-1]) < 1e-6)) {
# message("Iteration=", iter, ", beta=", mu_beta, ", tau=", sqrt(sqtau), ", sigma=", sqrt(sqsigma), ".")

### visualize the result of VEM algorithm
# Plot1: Plot of Data with Standard Error Bar
df1 <- data.frame(
gammahat = gammahat,
Gammahat = Gammahat,
sigmaX = sigmaX,
sigmaY = sigmaY
plot1 <- ggplot(data = df1, aes(x = gammahat, y = Gammahat)) +
geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = Gammahat - sigmaY, ymax = Gammahat + sigmaY), color="gray59") +
geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = gammahat - sigmaX, xmax = gammahat + sigmaX, height = 0), color="gray59") +
labs(x = "gammahat (SNP-exposure effect)", y = "Gammahat (SNP-outcome effect)", title = "Plot1: Plot of Data with Standard Error Bar")

# Plot2: Trace Plot of Logarithm of Approximate Data Likelihood
iteration <- seq(1, (length(ELBO_set)), by = 1)
df2 <- data.frame(
iteration = iteration,
ELBO_iter = ELBO_set
plot2 <- ggplot(df2, aes(x=iteration, y=ELBO_iter)) + geom_line(size = 0.5, color = "tomato1") + geom_point(size=0.5, color = "tomato1") +
labs(x = "Iteration", y="The Approximation of Logarithm of the Likelihood", title = "Plot2: Trace Plot of Logarithm of Approximate Data Likelihood")

# Plot3: Estimation of Weight of Each Data Point
serial_number <- seq(1, N, by = 1)
df3 <- data.frame(
weight = pi_w,
serial_number = serial_number
plot3 <- ggplot(data = df3, mapping = aes(x = factor(serial_number), y = weight, fill = weight)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') +
labs(x = "Data Point No.", y = "Weight", title = "Plot3: Estimation of Weight of Each Data Point") +
ylim(0, 1)
# scale_x_discrete(breaks = seq(10, N, 20)) +

# Plot4: Plot of Weighted Data and Its Regression Result
df4 <- data.frame(
gammahat = gammahat,
Gammahat = Gammahat,
sqsigmaX = sqsigmaX,
sqsigmaY = sqsigmaY,
w = pi_w
plot4 <- ggplot(df4, aes(x=gammahat, y=Gammahat, color=w)) + geom_point(size=2.5) +
geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = Gammahat - sigmaY, ymax = Gammahat + sigmaY)) +
geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = gammahat - sigmaX, xmax = gammahat + sigmaX, height = 0)) +
geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=mu_beta, color="#990000", linetype="dashed", size=1) +
labs(x = "gammahat (SNP-exposure effect)", y = "Gammahat (SNP-outcome effect)", title = "Plot4: Plot of Weighted Data and Its Regression Result")

### LRVB and Standard Error ###
## matrix V
forV <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = 4)
forV[ ,1] <- sqsigma_gamma
forV[ ,2] <- 2*mu_gamma*sqsigma_gamma
forV[ ,3] <- forV[ ,2]
forV[ ,4] <- 2*sqsigma_gamma^2 + 4*mu_gamma^2*sqsigma_gamma
V <- matrix(rep(0, (3*N+4)*(3*N+4)), nrow = 3*N+4, ncol = 3*N+4)
for (j in 1:N) {
V[(3*j):(3*j+1), (3*j):(3*j+1)] <- matrix(forV[j, ], 2, 2)
V[3*j+2, 3*j+2] <- pi_w[j] - (pi_w[j]^2)
V[1:2, 1:2] <- matrix(c(sqsigma_beta, 2*mu_beta*sqsigma_beta, 2*mu_beta*sqsigma_beta, 2*sqsigma_beta^2+4*mu_beta^2*sqsigma_beta), 2, 2)
V[(3*N+3):(3*N+4), (3*N+3):(3*N+4)] <- matrix(c(trigamma(a)-trigamma(a+b), -trigamma(a+b), -trigamma(a+b), trigamma(b)-trigamma(a+b)), 2, 2)

## matrix H
H <- matrix(rep(0, (3*N+4)*(3*N+4)), nrow = 3*N+4, ncol = 3*N+4)
forH <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = 6)
forH[ ,1] <- pi_w*Gammahat/(sqsigmaY+sqtau)
forH[ ,2] <- mu_gamma*Gammahat/(sqsigmaY+sqtau)
forH[ ,3] <- -0.5*pi_w/(sqsigmaY+sqtau)
forH[ ,4] <- -0.5*(mu_gamma^2+sqsigma_gamma)/(sqsigmaY+sqtau)
forH[ ,5] <- mu_beta*Gammahat/(sqsigmaY+sqtau)
forH[ ,6] <- -0.5*(mu_beta^2+sqsigma_beta)/(sqsigmaY+sqtau)
for (j in 1:N) {
H[1, 3*j] <- forH[j, 1]
H[1, 3*j+2] <- forH[j, 2]
H[2, 3*j+1] <- forH[j, 3]
H[2, 3*j+2] <- forH[j, 4]
H[(3*N+3):(3*N+4), 3*j+2] <- c(1, -1)
H[3*j+2, (3*N+3):(3*N+4)] <- c(1, -1)
H[(3*j):(3*j+1), 3*j+2] <- forH[j, 5:6]
H[3*j+2, (3*j):(3*j+1)] <- forH[j, 5:6]
H[ ,1] <- H[1, ]
H[ ,2] <- H[2, ]

## accurate covariance estimate and standard error
I <- diag(3*N+4)
Sigma_hat <- try(solve(I-V%*%H)%*%V)

if (class(Sigma_hat) == "try-error"){
message("Invalid IVs!")
return(list(beta=NA, se_beta=NA, P_value=NA))
} else{
se_beta <- sqrt(Sigma_hat[1, 1])

## test
W <- (mu_beta/se_beta)^2
# P_value <- 1 - pchisq(W, 1)
P_value <- pchisq(W, 1, lower.tail=F)

message("Estimate of beta=", mu_beta, ", se of beta=", se_beta, ", P-value=", P_value, ".")

## output
output <- list(beta=mu_beta, se_beta=se_beta, P_value=P_value, plot1=plot1, plot2=plot2, plot3=plot3, plot4=plot4)
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
BWMR (Bayesian Weighted Mendelian Randomization), is an efficient statistical method to infer the causality between a risk exposure factor and a trait or disease outcome, based on GWAS summary statistics. 'BWMR' package provides the estimate of causal effect with its standard error and the P-value under the test of causality.

# Installation
To install the development version of BWMR, it's easiest to use the 'devtools' package.
# install.packages("devtools")

# Usage
The main function is *BWMR*. You can find an example by running

# Development
This R package is developed by Jia Zhao.

Binary file added data/ExampleData.RData
Binary file not shown.
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions man/BWMR.Rd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
Inference the causality based on BWMR method
Estimate the causal effect between the exposure and the outcome.
BWMR(gammahat, Gammahat, sigmaX, sigmaY)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
SNP-exposure effects.
SNP-outcome effects.
Standard errors of SNP-exposure effects.
Standard errors of SNP-outcome effects.
\code{BWMR} obtain the causal effect based on summary statistics.
Estimate of parameter \code{beta}.
Estimate of the standard error of parameter \code{beta}.
Plot of Data with Standard Error Bar.
Trace Plot of Logarithm of Approximate Data Likelihood.
Estimate of Weight of Each Data Point.
Plot of Weighted Data and Its Regression Result.
%% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
Jia Zhao


MRres <- BWMR(ExampleData$beta.exposure, ExampleData$beta.outcome, ExampleData$se.exposure, ExampleData$se.outcome)

beta.hat <- MRres$beta <- MRres$se_beta
P_value <- MRres$P_value

# Plot1: Plot of Data with Standard Error Bar
plot1 <- MRres$plot1

# Plot2: Trace Plot of Logarithm of Approximate Data Likelihood
plot2 <- MRres$plot2

# Plot3: Estimate of Weight of Each Data Point
plot3 <- MRres$plot3

# Plot4: Plot of Weighted Data and Its Regression Result
plot4 <- MRres$plot4

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