Releases: jimeh/.emacs.d
Releases · jimeh/.emacs.d
0.8.52 (2024-12-17)
- language/yaml: use yaml-ts-mode by default (1ddc73e)
- workspace/easysession: add easysession-save keybinding (384f7fc)
- workspaces: replace desktop.el with easysession (cb799f3)
Bug Fixes
- completion/company: fix keybind conflict with copilot-mode (c991e20)
- langauge/ruby: switch back to solargraph from ruby-lsp (b665226)
- language/json: don't load json-mode at all if json-ts-mode is available (a9c6240)
- language/ruby: switch back to ruby-lsp after fixing indent-region issue (45c41b3)
- language/toml: fix toml setup hook function name (2ea3fdc)
- language/yaml: switch back to yaml-mode (a7fc77f)
- workspaces/easysession: remove save keybinding conflicting with switch-to (396fb0f)
0.8.51 (2024-12-02)
- language/css: switch to css-ts-mode (18db915)
- language/go: switch back to go-mode from go-ts-mode (20bfc9c)
- language/json: switch to json-ts-mode (from json-mode) (8cb67a0)
- language/json: switch to lua-ts-mode (from lua-mode) (1bdd231)
- language/lua: enable lsp-mode in lua-ts-mode (ef99f6a)
- language/php: format PHP files with prettier (fe04f68)
- language/php: switch to php-ts-mode (c01da3c)
- language/ruby: switch from solargraph to ruby-lsp (fac7bb0)
- language/rust: switch to rust-ts-mode (6a07ee4)
- language/scss: format scss-mode with prettier (c7ff9e1)
- language/toml: switch to toml-ts-mode and enable lsp-mode as well (074ac91)
- language/typescript: format typescript-ts-mode and tsx-ts-mode with prettier (931312e)
- projects: add projectile switch project keybind that creates new tab-bar tab if needed (c3bc47a)
- treesit: install grammars to custom directory (3edd8e6)
- version-control/magic: use git-commit-ts-mode (983ccd3)
Bug Fixes
- editor/origami: add missing major modes (9313f84)
- language/go: ensure tree-sitter grammar correctly (0c12470)
- language/ruby: setup inf-ruby in ruby-ts-mode (5cd13c6)
- language/scss: prevent tree-sitter-mode from activating in scss-mode (efd3bf1)
- language/toml: switch back to conf-toml-mode from toml-ts-mode (055cbac)
- vendor/flycheck-erblint: add missing variable definition (def8719)
- vendor/flycheck-erblint: fix command name (52ed1dd)
Performance Improvements
- lsp: use plists to improve lsp-mode performance (6239738)
0.8.50 (2024-10-21)
- ai: tweak chatgpt and gptel setup (de9fee4)
- copilot: disable copilot-mode in scratch buffers (c5f6383)
- core: add siren list manipulation helper functions (2b4c3a2)
- language/erb: setup linting and formatting of ERB files via erblint (d0ef255)
- language/go: basic prep and setup to test go-ts-mode (224a6f6)
- language/go: enable lsp-mode in go.mod and files (e97183e)
- language/go: remove inlay hints and add commended out gopls debug settings (9fdf08a)
- language/go: switch to go-ts-mode (814347d)
- language/ruby: improve and customize ruby-ts-mode setup (ea76214)
- language/ruby: switch to ruby-ts-mode (3cae3d9)
- language/ruby: various tweaks for testing ruby-ts-mode and other improvements (72cf922)
- language/terraform: re-enable lsp-mode, seems more stable now (ca739ba)
- snippets/sh-mode: add custom snippets (b3a998a)
- themes/doom-themes-overrides: improve lsp-highlight and symbol-overlay (e0b771b)
Bug Fixes
- completion/yasnippet: fix completion issues caused by yasnippet (f70de31)
- language/toml: switch back to conf-toml-mode (9ba69c8)
- language/yaml: define custom tree-sitter queries (1dfd9d2)
- language/yaml: provide filename to actionlint linter (9e6ce1e)
- org-mode: remove custom tab-width setting (4cff1f7)
- org-mode: remove setting causing error in latest nightly builds (7d4fbe3)
- package/refine: use fork of refine with fixes (dec4586)
- text-editing/smartparens: disable navigate action on {} pair (2dfc86b)
- text-editing/smartparens: disable navigate action on {} pair (64d520c)
0.8.49 (2024-05-12)
- ai/chatgpt: add more models and use gpt-4-turbo-preview as default (7dfc8b5)
- ai/chatgpt: use the same API key for all models (ac621b3)
- core/linux: maximize window after finished loading (ed2c051)
- editor/env: switch from direnv package to envrc and mise (6e9307d)
- version-control/magit: add convention-commit package (d608d96)
Bug Fixes
0.8.47 (2023-12-15)
- editor: disable indentation highlight guides (862b7fc)
- misc: add helper command to display list of available fonts (c6d5682)
Bug Fixes
- completion/copilot: disable annoying keybinding while overlay is visible (b9e9a13)
- copilot: suppress warnings about indentation detection (58e9cc1)
- editor/fussy: improve completion performance and simplify setup (e74a3bd)
- language/dockerfile: use dockerfile-mode again (e5efb2d)
- language/go: disable lsp semantic tokens (07794bb)
- language/vue: fix vue-mode setup by running prog-mode-hook (527934d)
- text-editing/treesit: ensure treesit and related packages are loaded correctly (0053382)
- text-editing/treesit: resolve issues with treesit-auto package (df10665)
0.8.46 (2023-11-16)
- completion/copilot: add useful keybindings when overlay is active (d54f89a)
- editor/doom-modeline: override flycheck/flymake "ok" icon (2212a5e)
- editor/treesit: expand treesit highlight features to max (400ba2c)
- language/go: expand lsp-golangci-lint to a proper lsp-mode client (01c5018)
- language/protobuf: enable use of bufls language server (359e692)
- language/ruby: remove rufo, as I haven't used it for years (70a5d0f)
- language/typescript: enable lsp-format-on-save (de391e0)
- language/xml: add xmllint formatter setup and bind to C-c C-f (d405e96)
- lsp: expand list of ignored watch directories (0dd1ded)
- macbook-notch: switch from vendored tab-bar-notch to standalone repo (f1c5602)
- theme/override: invert tab-bar active/inactive background colors (f070c1b)
- ui/macos: shift buffer content below display notch on modern MacBook Pro models (fcc2321)
- vendor/lsp-golangci-lint: add option for passing --fast flag (9ca7035)
- vendor/tab-bar-notch: add support for 16-inch MacBook Pro models (4e64dc3)
Bug Fixes
- completion/copilot: fix issue with company compat tweak (8612ae4)
- language/dockerfile: ensure hadolint executable is found (a64284d)
- language/go: correctly set go-test-args variable (c452150)
- language/ruby: prevent use of lsp-rename in ruby buffers (f30f8ab)
- language/terraform: fix setup func name typo to avoid conflict with rust (b0cc7be)
- language/typescript: disable lsp-semantic-tokens (a10f797)
- language/typescript: ensure it loads correctly (de1fd38)
- projects/projectile: fix issue where incorrect completion style may be used (69c3445)
- vendor/tab-bar-notch: correctly calculate notch height on 16-inch displays (c1e5828)
0.8.44 (2023-05-15)
- core: update font selection preferring Nerd Font Mono (f5ce193)
- editor: replace nearly all use of all-the-icons with nerd-icons (0b63d36)
- language/yaml: lint GitHub Action workflows with actionlint (15278d5)
- navigation: add dirvish and have it override/enhance dired (1729317)
- theme: add nerd-icons definitions to overrides theme (f861ad0)
Bug Fixes
- completion/marginalia: improve issues with project-buffer annotations (4654ea5)
- completion/copilot: temporarily pin copilot.el (0dac271)
0.8.43 (2023-05-09)
- completion/company: remove old fci-mode workaround (a0b7a80)
- completion/siren: enable shift+tab keybinding in terminal (e8cdcae)
- editor: try snap-indent as a replacement for yank-indent (3bd155c)
- icons: use nerd-fonts to display icons in terminals (a78e417)
- language/go: enable extra gopls analyzers and code lenses (05c45be)
- language/lua: enable tree-sitter-mode (20457dc)
- language/lua: improve lsp-mode setup and set tab-width to 2 (c137dde)
- language/markdown: enable tree-sitter-mode (67a8b43)
- language/nix: enable tree-sitter-mode (c3dd1fe)
- language/php: enable tree-sitter-mode (d7494f5)
- language/python: enable tree-sitter-mode (d30d2e3)
- lsp: enable inlay hints (5d65b32)
- projects/treemacs: disable project-follow mode (e9da1ea)
- projects: add "elpaca" to list of ignored projectile directories (ee04435)
- text-editing: remove excess keybindings for smart-shift (f7e9abb)
Bug Fixes
- completion/copilot: temporarily pin copilot.el (bc8a2a4)
- formatting/preffier: don't use preffier in rjsx-mode specifically (dd26296)
- language/go: fix go-playground setup (6434035)
- magit/forge: fix error when attempting to edit a PR description (956dc88)
- pin doom-modeline to last all-the-icons supported commit (e45fce6)
- tools: resolve require issues makefile-executor setup (e8cca90)
- windows: allow window switching keybindings to work in dired (4526952)