Inspired by Prof Rob Aspin's work:
This project visualizes a Logseq knowledge graph in 3D using WebXR, enhancing it with Perplexity AI and RAGFlow for AI-powered question answering. Changes are automatically submitted back to the source GitHub repository as pull requests. This allows for a dynamic and interactive exploration of your Logseq knowledge base in an immersive environment, leveraging the power of AI to provide context and insights.
WebXR 3D Visualization: Immersive exploration of the knowledge graph in AR/VR environments with support for:
- Node Interaction and Manipulation: Click, drag, and reposition nodes within the 3D space.
- Dynamic Force-Directed Layout: Real-time recalculation of graph layout based on interactions and data updates.
- Custom Shaders for Visual Effects: Enhancements like holographic displays and lighting effects.
- Fisheye Distortion for Focus + Context Visualization: Provides a focus on specific areas while maintaining context.
Real-time Updates:
- WebSocket-Based Communication: Ensures instant synchronization between the server and client.
- Optimized Binary Protocol:
- Efficient quantized position updates (millimeter precision)
- Quantized velocity updates (0.0001 unit precision)
- Compact 28-byte format per node (4-byte header + 24 bytes position/velocity)
- Automatic Graph Layout Recalculation: Maintains an optimal layout as the graph evolves.
- Live Preview of Changes: Immediate reflection of updates from the knowledge base.
GPU Acceleration:
- WebGPU Compute Shaders for Layout Calculation: Utilizes GPU for high-performance graph computations.
- Efficient Force-Directed Algorithms: Enhances the responsiveness of the graph layout.
- Fallback to CPU Computation: Ensures compatibility with devices lacking WebGPU support.
- Custom WGSL Shaders for Visual Effects: Enables advanced rendering techniques.
RAGFlow Integration:
- Context-Aware Question Answering: Provides intelligent responses based on the knowledge graph.
- Dynamic Document Retrieval: Fetches relevant documents to support AI responses.
- Conversation History Management: Maintains context for ongoing interactions.
- Real-Time Response Streaming: Delivers responses as they are generated by the AI.
Perplexity AI Enhancement:
- Markdown Content Analysis: Parses and understands the structure of markdown files.
- Topic Extraction and Linking: Identifies and connects related topics within the knowledge base.
- Automatic Summarization: Generates concise summaries for long-form content.
- Content Relationship Mapping: Visualizes how different pieces of content interrelate.
Spacemouse Support:
- 6-DOF Navigation in VR: Allows for intuitive movement within the 3D environment.
- Customizable Control Mapping: Adapts to various input devices.
- Smooth Camera Transitions: Ensures fluid user experience during navigation.
- Integration with WebXR Controls: Combines hardware input with web-based controls for enhanced interaction.
Automatic GitHub PRs:
- Automated Branch Creation: Manages branches for updates seamlessly.
- File Content Updates: Applies changes directly to relevant files.
- Pull Request Generation: Facilitates the review and merging process.
- Metadata Synchronization: Keeps metadata in sync with file updates.
Audio Features:
- OpenAI Text-to-Speech: Converts text responses into audible speech.
- Local Speech Synthesis Fallback: Ensures functionality without external dependencies.
- WebSocket Streaming: Delivers audio streams efficiently.
- Dynamic Provider Switching: Allows for flexible configuration of audio sources.
The WebSocket binary protocol has been optimized for efficient position updates:
[4 bytes] is_initial_layout flag (float32)
For each node:
[12 bytes] Position (3 Ă— int32, quantized to millimeter precision)
[12 bytes] Velocity (3 Ă— int32, quantized to 0.0001 units)
This format provides:
- Minimal bandwidth usage through quantization
- High precision where needed (millimeter-level positioning)
- Efficient parsing on both client and server
- Clear distinction between initial and update messages
[Previous architecture diagrams and sections remain unchanged...]
Network Efficiency:
- Quantized position and velocity values
- Compact binary message format
- Minimal protocol overhead
- Efficient WebSocket streaming
Rendering Performance:
- GPU-accelerated computations
- Optimized Three.js rendering
- Efficient state management
- Minimal UI overhead
graph TB
subgraph Frontend
UI[User Interface Layer]
VR[WebXR Controller]
WS[WebSocket Client]
GPU[GPU Compute Layer]
ThreeJS[Three.js Renderer]
ChatUI[Chat Interface]
GraphUI[Graph Interface]
ControlPanel[Control Panel]
VRControls[VR Control System]
WSService[WebSocket Service]
DataManager[Graph Data Manager]
LayoutEngine[Layout Engine]
SpaceMouse[SpaceMouse Controller]
subgraph Backend
Server[Actix Web Server]
FileH[File Handler]
GraphH[Graph Handler]
WSH[WebSocket Handler]
PerplexityH[Perplexity Handler]
RagFlowH[RagFlow Handler]
VisualizationH[Visualization Handler]
FileS[File Service]
GraphS[Graph Service]
GPUS[GPU Compute Service]
PerplexityS[Perplexity Service]
RagFlowS[RagFlow Service]
SpeechS[Speech Service]
WSManager[WebSocket Manager]
GPUCompute[GPU Compute]
Compression[Compression Utils]
AudioProc[Audio Processor]
Node[Node Model]
Edge[Edge Model]
Graph[Graph Model]
Metadata[Metadata Model]
Position[Position Update Model]
SimParams[Simulation Parameters]
subgraph External
GitHub[GitHub API]
Perplexity[Perplexity AI]
RagFlow[RagFlow API]
OpenAI[OpenAI API]
UI --> ChatUI
UI --> GraphUI
UI --> ControlPanel
UI --> VRControls
VR --> ThreeJS
WS --> WSService
WSService --> Server
Server --> FileH
Server --> GraphH
Server --> WSH
Server --> PerplexityH
Server --> RagFlowH
Server --> VisualizationH
FileH --> FileS
GraphH --> GraphS
WSH --> WSManager
PerplexityH --> PerplexityS
RagFlowH --> RagFlowS
FileS --> GitHub
PerplexityS --> Perplexity
RagFlowS --> RagFlow
SpeechS --> OpenAI
style Frontend fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Backend fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style External fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
class App {
+websocketService: WebsocketService
+graphDataManager: GraphDataManager
+visualization: WebXRVisualization
+chatManager: ChatManager
+interface: Interface
+ragflowService: RAGFlowService
class WebsocketService {
+socket: WebSocket
+listeners: Object
+reconnectAttempts: number
+maxReconnectAttempts: number
+reconnectInterval: number
+on(event: string, callback: function)
+emit(event: string, data: any)
+send(data: object)
class GraphDataManager {
+websocketService: WebsocketService
+graphData: GraphData
+updateGraphData(newData: GraphData)
+getGraphData(): GraphData
+updateForceDirectedParams(name: string, value: any)
class WebXRVisualization {
+graphDataManager: GraphDataManager
+scene: Scene
+camera: Camera
+renderer: Renderer
+controls: Controls
+composer: Composer
+gpu: GPUUtilities
+nodeMeshes: Map<string, Mesh>
+edgeMeshes: Map<string, Line>
+hologramGroup: Group
+handleSpacemouseInput(x: number, y: number, z: number)
+handleBinaryPositionUpdate(buffer: ArrayBuffer)
+updateVisualFeatures(control: string, value: any)
+handleNodeDrag(nodeId: string, position: Vector3)
+getNodePositions(): PositionUpdate[]
+showError(message: string)
class ChatManager {
+websocketService: WebsocketService
+ragflowService: RAGFlowService
+sendMessage(message: string)
+handleIncomingMessage(message: string)
class Interface {
+chatManager: ChatManager
+visualization: WebXRVisualization
+handleUserInput(input: string)
+displayChatMessage(message: string)
+updateNodeInfoPanel(node: object)
+displayErrorMessage(message: string)
class RAGFlowService {
+settings: Settings
+apiClient: ApiClient
+createConversation(userId: string): Promise<string>
+sendMessage(conversationId: string, message: string): Promise<string>
+getConversationHistory(conversationId: string): Promise<object>
class GraphService {
+build_graph(app_state: AppState): Result<GraphData, Error>
+calculate_layout(gpu_compute: GPUCompute, graph: GraphData, params: SimulationParams): Result<void, Error>
+initialize_random_positions(graph: GraphData)
class PerplexityService {
+process_file(file: ProcessedFile, settings: Settings, api_client: ApiClient): Result<ProcessedFile, Error>
class FileService {
+fetch_and_process_files(github_service: GitHubService, settings: Settings, metadata_map: Map<String, Metadata>): Result<Vec<ProcessedFile>, Error>
+load_or_create_metadata(): Result<Map<String, Metadata>, Error>
+save_metadata(metadata: Map<String, Metadata>): Result<void, Error>
+calculate_node_size(file_size: number): number
+extract_references(content: string, valid_nodes: String[]): Map<String, ReferenceInfo>
+convert_references_to_topic_counts(references: Map<String, ReferenceInfo>): Map<String, number>
+initialize_local_storage(github_service: GitHubService, settings: Settings): Result<void, Error>
+count_hyperlinks(content: string): number
class GitHubService {
+fetch_file_metadata(): Result<Vec<GithubFileMetadata>, Error>
+get_download_url(file_name: string): Result<string, Error>
+fetch_file_content(download_url: string): Result<string, Error>
+get_file_last_modified(file_path: string): Result<Date, Error>
class GitHubPRService {
+create_pull_request(file_name: string, content: string, original_sha: string): Result<string, Error>
class ApiClient {
+post_json(url: string, body: PerplexityRequest, perplexity_api_key: string): Result<string, Error>
class SpeechService {
+websocketManager: WebSocketManager
+settings: Settings
+start(receiver: Receiver<SpeechCommand>)
+initialize(): Result<void, Error>
+send_message(message: string): Result<void, Error>
+close(): Result<void, Error>
+set_tts_provider(use_openai: boolean): Result<void, Error>
class SpeechWs {
+websocketManager: WebSocketManager
+settings: Settings
+hb(ctx: Context)
+check_heartbeat(ctx: Context)
+started(ctx: Context)
+handle(msg: Message, ctx: Context)
App --> WebsocketService
App --> GraphDataManager
App --> WebXRVisualization
App --> ChatManager
App --> Interface
App --> RAGFlowService
App --> GraphService
App --> PerplexityService
App --> FileService
App --> GitHubService
App --> GitHubPRService
App --> SpeechService
WebsocketService --> GraphDataManager
GraphDataManager --> WebXRVisualization
ChatManager --> RAGFlowService
Interface --> ChatManager
Interface --> WebXRVisualization
GraphService --> GPUCompute
PerplexityService --> ApiClient
FileService --> GitHubService
GitHubPRService --> GitHubService
SpeechService --> WebSocketManager
participant Server
participant FileService
participant GitHub
participant GraphService
participant GPUCompute
participant WebSocketManager
participant Client
participant WebXRVisualization
participant GraphDataManager
participant Interface
participant ChatManager
participant RAGFlowService
participant PerplexityAPI
participant WebsocketService
participant SpeechService
participant SpeechWs
activate Server
Server->>Server: Load env vars & settings (
alt Settings Load Error
note right of Server: Error handling in
Server-->>Client: Error Response (500)
deactivate Server
else Settings Loaded
Server->>Server: Initialize AppState (
Server->>Server: Initialize GPUCompute (utils/
alt GPU Initialization Error
note right of Server: Fallback to CPU calculation
Server->>Server: initialize_graph_data (
Server->>FileService: fetch_and_process_files (services/
activate FileService
FileService->>GitHub: fetch_files("RealGitHubService::fetch_files")
activate GitHub
GitHub-->>FileService: Files or Error
deactivate GitHub
alt GitHub Error
FileService-->>Server: Error
else Files Fetched
loop For each file
FileService->>FileService: should_process_file
alt File needs processing
FileService->>PerplexityAPI: process_file (services/
activate PerplexityAPI
PerplexityAPI->>PerplexityAPI: process_markdown
PerplexityAPI->>PerplexityAPI: call_perplexity_api
PerplexityAPI-->>FileService: Processed content or Error
deactivate PerplexityAPI
alt Perplexity Error
FileService-->>Server: Error
else Content Processed
FileService->>FileService: save_file_metadata
FileService-->>Server: Processed files or Error
deactivate FileService
alt File Processing Error
Server-->>Server: Error
else Files Processed Successfully
Server->>GraphService: build_graph
activate GraphService
GraphService->>GraphService: Create nodes and edges
GraphService->>GPUCompute: calculate_layout
activate GPUCompute
GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: set_graph_data
GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: compute_forces
GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: get_updated_positions
GPUCompute-->>GraphService: Updated node positions
deactivate GPUCompute
GraphService-->>Server: GraphData
deactivate GraphService
Server->>WebSocketManager: broadcast_graph_update
activate WebSocketManager
WebSocketManager-->>Client: graph_update_message
deactivate WebSocketManager
Server-->>Client: Success Response
note right of Client: Initial load
Client->>WebXRVisualization: initialize()
activate WebXRVisualization
WebXRVisualization->>GraphDataManager: requestInitialData()
activate GraphDataManager
GraphDataManager->>WebsocketService: subscribe()
WebsocketService-->>GraphDataManager: Initial GraphData
GraphDataManager-->>WebXRVisualization: Provide GraphData
deactivate GraphDataManager
WebXRVisualization->>WebXRVisualization: setupThreeJS()
WebXRVisualization->>WebXRVisualization: renderScene()
deactivate WebXRVisualization
WebXRVisualization-->>Client: Render 3D Graph
note right of Client: User interactions
Client->>Interface: handleUserInput(input)
Interface->>ChatManager: sendMessage(input)
ChatManager->>RAGFlowService: sendQuery(input)
RAGFlowService-->>ChatManager: AI Response
ChatManager-->>Interface: Display AI Response
Interface->>WebXRVisualization: updateGraphData(newData)
WebXRVisualization-->>Client: Update Visualization
note right of Client: User requests layout recalculation
Client->>GraphDataManager: requestRecalculateLayout()
activate GraphDataManager
GraphDataManager->>WebsocketService: send("recalculateLayout", params)
deactivate GraphDataManager
WebsocketService->>Server: emit("recalculateLayout", params)
activate Server
Server->>GraphService: calculate_layout
activate GraphService
GraphService->>GPUCompute: calculate_layout
activate GPUCompute
GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: set_graph_data
GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: compute_forces
GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: get_updated_positions
GPUCompute-->>GraphService: Updated node positions
deactivate GPUCompute
GraphService-->>Server: GraphData
deactivate GraphService
Server->>WebSocketManager: broadcast_graph_update
activate WebSocketManager
WebSocketManager-->>Client: graph_update_message
deactivate WebSocketManager
deactivate Server
Client->>WebXRVisualization: updateVisualization()
WebXRVisualization-->>Client: Render Updated 3D Graph
note right of Client: User clicks "Refresh Graph"
Client->>Server: POST /api/files/fetch
activate Server
Server->>FileService: fetch_and_process_files
activate FileService
FileService->>GitHub: fetch_files
activate GitHub
GitHub-->>FileService: Files or Error
deactivate GitHub
alt GitHub Error
FileService-->>Server: Error
else Files Fetched
loop For each file
FileService->>FileService: should_process_file
alt File needs processing
FileService->>PerplexityAPI: process_file
activate PerplexityAPI
PerplexityAPI->>PerplexityAPI: process_markdown
PerplexityAPI->>PerplexityAPI: call_perplexity_api
PerplexityAPI-->>FileService: Processed content or Error
deactivate PerplexityAPI
alt Perplexity Error
FileService-->>Server: Error
else Content Processed
FileService->>FileService: save_file_metadata
FileService-->>Server: Processed files or Error
deactivate FileService
alt File Processing Error
Server->>WebSocketManager: broadcast_error_message
activate WebSocketManager
WebSocketManager-->>Client: error_message
deactivate WebSocketManager
Server-->>Client: Error Response
else Files Processed Successfully
Server->>GraphService: build_graph
activate GraphService
GraphService->>GraphService: Create nodes and edges
GraphService->>GPUCompute: calculate_layout
activate GPUCompute
GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: set_graph_data
GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: compute_forces
GPUCompute->>GPUCompute: get_updated_positions
GPUCompute-->>GraphService: Updated node positions
deactivate GPUCompute
GraphService-->>Server: GraphData
deactivate GraphService
Server->>WebSocketManager: broadcast_graph_update
activate WebSocketManager
WebSocketManager-->>Client: graph_update_message
deactivate WebSocketManager
Server-->>Client: Success Response
deactivate Server
graph TB
subgraph inputBuffers ["Input Buffers"]
NodesData[Node Data Buffer]
EdgesData[Edge Data Buffer]
ForcesData[Force Buffer]
ParamsData[Simulation Parameters Buffer]
subgraph computePipeline ["Compute Pipeline"]
BindGroupLayout[Bind Group Layout]
subgraph shaders ["Shaders"]
ForceCalculation[Force Calculation Shader]
PositionUpdate[Position Update Shader]
FisheyeEffect[Fish-Eye Distortion Shader]
DispatchBlock[Dispatch Workgroups]
subgraph outputBuffers ["Output Buffers"]
NewPositions[Updated Position Buffer]
VisualizationData[Visualization Data Buffer]
NodesData --> BindGroupLayout
EdgesData --> BindGroupLayout
ForcesData --> BindGroupLayout
ParamsData --> BindGroupLayout
BindGroupLayout --> ForceCalculation
ForceCalculation --> PositionUpdate
PositionUpdate --> FisheyeEffect
DispatchBlock -->|Workgroup 1| ForceCalculation
DispatchBlock -->|Workgroup 2| PositionUpdate
DispatchBlock -->|Workgroup 3| FisheyeEffect
FisheyeEffect --> NewPositions
FisheyeEffect --> VisualizationData
%% Define styles for classes
classDef inputBufferStyle fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef computePipelineStyle fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef outputBufferStyle fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
%% Assign classes to nodes within subgraphs
class NodesData,EdgesData,ForcesData,ParamsData inputBufferStyle
class BindGroupLayout,DispatchBlock computePipelineStyle
class ForceCalculation,PositionUpdate,FisheyeEffect computePipelineStyle
class NewPositions,VisualizationData outputBufferStyle
Contributions are welcome! Please follow the guidelines below to contribute effectively.
Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top-right corner of the repository page.
Clone Your Fork:
git clone cd webxr-graph
Create a Feature Branch:
git checkout -b feature/YourFeatureName
Commit Your Changes:
git add . git commit -m "Add detailed README sections and diagrams"
Push to Your Fork:
git push origin feature/YourFeatureName
Open a Pull Request: Navigate to your fork on GitHub and click "Compare & pull request".
Follow Best Practices:
- Adhere to Rust and JavaScript coding standards.
- Write clean, readable, and maintainable code.
- Ensure consistent code formatting using tools like
Maintain Test Coverage:
- Write unit and integration tests for new features.
- Ensure existing tests pass before submitting changes.
Document New Features:
- Update relevant sections in the
- Add or update API documentation as needed.
Update API Documentation:
- Ensure all new endpoints and functionalities are well-documented.
- Use tools like Swagger for API documentation if applicable.
Ensure all tests pass before submitting a pull request.
# Run Rust tests
cargo test
# Run JavaScript tests
npm test
# Run End-to-End Tests
npm run test:e2e
Continuous Integration:
- Automated tests run on every pull request.
- Ensure no breaking changes are introduced.
Code Reviews:
- All pull requests should be reviewed by at least one maintainer.
- Address all review comments before merging.
If you encounter any bugs or have feature requests, please open an issue in the repository with detailed information.
- Comprehensive documentation is available in the
directory. - API references and usage guides are provided.
- Comprehensive documentation is available in the
- Join the project's Slack channel for real-time support.
- Reach out via GitHub Issues for any assistance.
- Follow the repository to stay updated with the latest changes and releases.
- Prof Rob Aspin: For inspiring the project's vision and providing valuable resources.
- OpenAI: For their advanced AI models powering the question-answering features.
- Perplexity AI and RAGFlow: For their AI services enhancing content processing and interaction.
- Three.js: For the robust 3D rendering capabilities utilized in the frontend.
- Actix: For the high-performance web framework powering the backend server.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.