Chromosome-level genome assembler combining multiple de novo assemblies
- Linux x64 (Tested in CentOS 7.5, Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.04)
- Perl >= 5.22 or higher
- Python (Python2: 2.4–2.7, and Python3: 3.2 and higher)
- JAVA (build 1.8)
- Perl modules
- Switch
- Parallel::ForkManager
- Bio::TreeIO
- ExtUtils::PkgConfig
- GD
- XML::Parser
- XML::Parser::PerlSAX
- XML::DOM::XPath
- XML::Twig
- GCC (version 4.8)
- BOOST (version 1.46.0)
- libgd (version 2.1.1)
- zlib (version 1.2.8)
- libbz2 (version 1.0.6)
- libncurses (version 6.0)
To install IMAP,
1. Download source
git clone
2. Check & install the required perl libraries
- Check the required perl libraries
./ --check
- Install the required perl libraries
3. Install IMAP package
./ --install
To uninstall IMAP,
./ --uninstall
To install IMAP,
1. Install docker (
curl -fsSL | sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER # adding user to the “docker” group
2. Download source
git clone
3. Build image using Dockerfile
- Change to the directory where Dockerfile is located.
docker build -t [image_name] .
4. Run by docker
- Run image and create container
docker run -it [image_name] /bin/bash
Required approximately 60GB empty disk space
./ --example cd IMAP_EX bash CMD
To run IMAP, you need to prepare a parameter file.
parameter file
You can use multiple sequencing read libraries, and one or more outgroup species.
############################################################ ## Sequencing read library information ############################################################ ### Average insert sizes ### Standard deviation of insert sizes ### Path of read files (.fq(.gz)) ##### [Paired-end reads] p1, p2 ##### [Mate-pair reads] m1, m2 [LIB] insertSize [(integer) insert size] insertSizeSD [(integer) SD of insert size] p1 path of forward read (ex. [path]/read1.1.fq) p2 path of reverse read (ex. [path]/read1.2.fq) p1 path of forward read (ex. [path]/read2.1.fq) p2 path of reverse read (ex. [path]/read2.2.fq) [LIB] insertSize [(integer) insert size] insertSizeSD [(integer) SD of insert size] m1 path of forward read (ex. [path]/read3.1.fq.gz) m2 path of reverse read (ex. [path]/read3.2.fq.gz) ############################################################ ## General assembly parameters ############################################################ ## Minimum length of contigs MinContigLength [(integer) minimum length of contigs] ## Kmer size for de novo assembly Kmer [(integer) kmer] ### Maximum read length for SOAPdenovo2 MaxReadLength [(integer) maximum read length] ############################################################ ## RACA & DESCHRAMBLER parameters ############################################################ ## You can use the outrgroup more than one, but the names must be different. Reference [(string) name] [path of sequence file (.fa)] (ex. S288C [path]/S288C.fa) Outgroup [(string) name] [path of sequence file (.fa)] (ex. dairenensis [path]/Saccharomyces_dairenensis.fa) ### Tree must contain the names of a reference, target(s) and outgroup(s) (newick format) TREE [path of tree (must be in newick format)] (ex. [path]/tree.nwk) ### Synteny resolution Resolution [(integer) synteny resolution] ############################################################ ## Error correction parameters ############################################################ IterationNumber [(integer) the number of iteration]
Then, you can use the 'IMAP' perl script.
Usage: ./ -t [threads] -p [parameter file] -o [out directory]
--threads|-t <integer> Number of threads (default: 1)
--params|-p <filename> Parameter file
--outdir|-o <filename> Output directory (default: ./IMAP_RESULT)
--help|-h Print usages
Simple examples:
./ -t 40 -p param.txt -o ./IMAP_RESULT
- BWA (
- MaSuRCA (
- SPAdes (
- SOAPdenovo2 (
- GapCloser (
- RACA (
- Pilon (
- GATK (
- Picard (
- SAMtools (
- Kent utilities (
Song G, Lee J, Kim J, Kang S, Lee H, Kwon D, Lee D, Lang GI, Cherry JM, Kim J. Integrative Meta-Assembly Pipeline (IMAP): Chromosome-level genome assembler combining multiple de novo assemblies. PLoS One. 2019 Aug 27;14(8):e0221858. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221858.