Python package for managing local python projects and repositories
pip install pyprojectlib
usage: ppl [-h] {new,push,pack} ...
Package for managing local python projects and repositories
positional arguments:
- {new,push,pack} Command to execute (options below)
- new Create a new repo, project, or user of a repo
- push Save your python project in a local repository
- pack Package python project into a distributable module
usage: ppl new [-h] {repo,proj,user} ...
positional arguments:
- {repo,proj,user} Create something (options below)
- repo Create a new empty repository
- proj Create a new empty project
- user Add a new user to a local repository
usage: ppl new repo repopath [-h] [-name NAME] [-email EMAIL] [-gituser GITUSER]
positional arguments:
- repopath Path to local python repository. Directory name = repo name.
- -name NAME, -n NAME Your full name
- -email EMAIL, -e EMAIL Your email address
- -gituser GITUSER, -g GITUSER Your username on Github
usage: ppl new proj projpath [-h]
positional arguments:
- projpath Path to python project. Directory name = project name.
usage: ppl new user repopath [-h] [-name NAME] [-email EMAIL] [-gituser GITUSER]
positional arguments:
- repopath Path to local python repository. Directory name = repo name.
- -name NAME, -n NAME Your full name
- -email EMAIL, -e EMAIL Your email address
- -gituser GITUSER, -g GITUSER Your username on Github
usage: ppl push repopath projpath [-h] [-relpath RELPATH] [-noclean] [-nodoc] [-notest] [-version VERSION] [-name NAME] [-email EMAIL] [-gituser GITUSER]
positional arguments:
- repopath Path to local python repository. Directory name = repo name.
- projpath Path to python project. Directory name = project name.
- -relpath RELPATH, -r RELPATH Relative path from repository basedir to add project
- -noclean, -nc Flag to prevent checking py files for cleanliness
- -nodoc, -nd Flag to prevent html documentation creation
- -notest, -nt Flag to prevent pytest from running
- -version VERSION, -v VERSION Version number of python project (X.Y.Z)
- -name NAME, -n NAME Your full name
- -email EMAIL, -e EMAIL Your email address
- -gituser GITUSER, -g GITUSER Your username on Github
usage: ppl pack projpath [-h] [-upload] [-install] [-version VERSION] [-name NAME] [-email EMAIL] [-gituser GITUSER] [-pyversion PYTHONVERSION]
positional arguments:
- projpath Path to python project. Directory name = project name.
- -upload, -u Flag to upload python module to PYPI after packaging it
- -install, -i Flag to install python module after packaging it
- -version VERSION, -v VERSION Version number of python project (X.Y.Z)
- -name NAME, -n NAME Your full name
- -email EMAIL, -e EMAIL Your email address
- -gituser GITUSER, -g GITUSER Your username on Github
- -pyversion PYVERSION, -p PYVERSION Minimum version of Python required
- -filetypes FILETYPES, -t FILETYPES Comma-seperated list of file types to include
- Example below can be ran as a standalone code example
- Example includes standard Python packages shutil, os, and sys
- In-line usage of pypackagelib is shown when calling "ppl."
from os import path
import sys
from shutil import rmtree, copytree
from pyprojectlib.pyuser import User # type: ignore # pylint: disable=E0401,C0413
from pyprojectlib.pyrepo import Repository # type: ignore # pylint: disable=E0401,C0413
import pyprojectlib as ppl # type: ignore # pylint: disable=E0401,C0413,E0611
def test_setup_pyproject():
"""function for testing setup_pyproject"""
version = "0.0.1"
pkgpath = path.join(testdir, "../")
initpath = path.join(testdir, "../../testproj1")
initpathcopy = path.join(testdir, "examples", "testproj1")
repopath1 = path.join(testdir, "../../testrepo1")
repopathcopy1 = path.join(testdir, "./examples/testrepo1")
repopath2 = path.join(testdir, "../../testrepo2")
repopathcopy2 = path.join(testdir, "./examples/testrepo2")
# Delete old tests
deletelist = [
for dirpath in deletelist:
if path.exists(dirpath):
# create new project
# create a user object
userargs = {
"name": "Jason Krist",
"email": "[email protected]",
"gituser": "jkrist2696",
user = User(**userargs)
# Create new repo and push this package
ppl.init_repo(repopath1, **userargs)
repo = Repository(repopath1, user)
repo.push(pkgpath, version=version, test=False, relpath="python/generic")
# Create a second repo and push this package
ppl.init_repo(repopath2, **userargs)
repo = Repository(repopath2, user)
repo.push(pkgpath, version=version, test=False, relpath=".")
# push again to act as new version
repo.push(pkgpath, test=False)
# Move all to examples folder
copytree(initpath, initpathcopy)
copytree(repopath1, repopathcopy1)
copytree(repopath2, repopathcopy2)
# package this project
ppl.Log.package_project(pkgpath, user)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Download "docs" folder or check preview.
Message me on Github.
(c) 2023, Jason Krist