- Doctor is a Documentation Server for all your project docs.
- Doctor beautifully decouples document serving and document contents.
- Create your docs in markdown. Store them anywhere (github/dropbox/google drive/ anywhere really).
- Login to Doctor's Dashboard. Setup links to your doc files in Doctor's Dashboard.
- You are done!
- Install Ruby 2.2.2 using the instructions here.
- Install Rails 4.2.4 using the instructions here.
- Install Postgres using the command
brew install postgres
. Configure Launch Agent to start it automatically or use the commandpg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start
to start it manually.
Note - Ping us on our gitter channel to report any installation issues on your platform.
> git clone https://github.com/minio/doctor.git
> cd doctor
> bundle install
> rake db:drop
> rake db:setup
> rails s
Now visit http://localhost:3000
Use [email protected]
with password Doctor!23
to login. Visit http://localhost:3000 to navigate the docs. This can be changed anytime via the Dashboard. We highly recommend that you do if you use Doctor in deployment.
> git clone https://github.com/minio/doctor.git
> cd doctor
> docker-compose up
- Documents are organized under Categories.
- Login to the dashboard
- Step 1 : Use the Dashboard to create a new Category : http://localhost:3000/category/new
- Step 2 : Use the Dashboard to create a link to a new Document : http://localhost:3000/document/new
- Step 3: Paste the raw URL to the md file when linking a new document. The "Raw" button is on the top of the MD file in github.
- Required : All documents need to be associated under a Category