Mergetars is a command-line utility program that merges the contents of multiple .tar archive files into a single archive.
If Mergetars finds the same file in multiple archives, it will eliminate duplicates according to a predetermined order of precedence (see 'File Precedence').
mergetars [-v] input_archive1.tar [input_archive2.tar ... ] output_file.tar
You can supply as many archive files as necessary, as long as you specify a novel output tarfile name as the final argument.
Users can turn on verbose mode with the -v flag. This will print information to stdout about the program's operation.
Error messages are printed to stdout by default.
If Mergetars finds the same file in multiple archives, it will only save the one that was modified last.
If the duplicate files have the same modification time, it will select the larger file. If utime and size are the same, it will choose the file in order of command line precedence.