Releases: joel3112/react-jopau
Releases · joel3112/react-jopau
🐛 Bug Fixes
- components: move button prop (09370c1)
🚀 New Features
- components: add avatar component (7658456)
- components: add badge component (fa6ef9d)
- components: add collapse component (73b22d1)
- components: refactor hooks compounds components (2ae3fa2)
- components: update text variants (1eb7d50)
🏠 Internal
- components: rename props files (c5f72d7)
- support sub-component in create script (e31a8a6)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- components: move button prop (8cc6cae)
- utils: update test yearsFromNow (e9af6b9)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- components: tailwind classes formatter (ad542b7)
🏠 Internal
- chromatic in pr workflow (911ef11)
- chromatic workflow (808b1ac)
- chromatic workflow exit once uploaded (46fb320)
- configure chromatic tests (e98e68c)
- hooks: resolve circular dependencies (a91cfd8)
- separate chromatic workflow (f7340ae)
🛠 Refactors
- components: redefine space component (2f622c8)
🚀 New Features
- add breakpoint storybook addon (68089aa)
- components: add grid component (f3cf7ef)
- components: add stack component (c59652a)
- hooks: add useMediaQuery hook (00d22d9)
- manage prefix theme (dca1aa3)
- utils: add toPascalCase method (92251d9)
🏠 Internal
- components: update build setup (4946b61)
- hooks: react hook form exact version (296e57e)
- release: v0.22.0 (4768e3a)
- release: v0.22.0 (bf81505)
- unlink hooks to components (7e8e70d)
- workflow cache yarn dependencies (ce3daf7)
- workflow test and build (9a90966)
🛠 Refactors
- components: resolve nextui modules (2041faf)
🏠 Internal
- components: build modules (08efcca)
🚀 New Features
- components: resolve module components (0825c6c)
- components: update docs (b9ff5ec)
🏠 Internal
🚀 New Features
🏠 Internal
🐛 Bug Fixes
- components: resolve warning button onClick (8e8fd73)
🚀 New Features
- components: export props in bundle (2d4323d)
- components: resolve path alias (20f248a)
- resolve components module types (32002a2)