This repository contains code and documentation of a DDS generator made with STM32F407VG discovery board.
The shown before is the circuit design for its functionalities. Requirements were to have two bands with a frequency difference between them of a decade. So, frecuencies selected started in 100Hz and finished in 10kHz. Also, three voltage levels were required, so 5V, 7V and 10V were used.
Circuit is separated in five parts, to explain each one in detailed.
Red box: For controlling voltage level, two transistors stages were used. Each used enables the "Rb" resistors of a classic resistors voltage divisor.
Blue box: When using DAC, signals outputs seems digitalized when reconstructed. Due to that, an reconstruction filter is needed. This is a low pass active filter, with fc set a decade over higher frequency of the band. This circuit is the 1kHz to 10kHz band filter.
Yellow box: Another reconstruction filter, this for the other decade band, from 100Hz to 1kHz.
Orange box: To conmute filter from STM board, a relay and a transistor stage are used.
Purple box: An amplifier to reach voltage level desired, and a to separate load from circuit.
Black box: DAC outputs always positive values, so a capacitor to filter DC voltage is added.
To generate signals TIlen Majerle library was used. Also, its LCD control library was needed because a 20x4 display was used.
It shows important information in display, like actual waveform, attenuation level, band selected and actual frequency value.
A potentiometer changes frequency, and a four switches keypad was added to change wave parameters.