This is a package created to integrate Django applications with Microsoft Azure Active Directory using MSAL.
You can current install this app using the following:
pip install git+
pip install git+<ref> # where <ref> is a branch, commmit or tag/version
The django_msal app can be configured for serveral different scenarios:
- Only allow authorization from a specific MS tenanat
- Allow authorization from multiple MS tenants
- Allow authorization from 1 or more tenants and from Django user model
- Users that do not have MS account can use a Django login
- Users that do have an MS account must login via MS
Add django_msal to installed apps and set the authentication backend.
Allow non Microsoft logins: If you want to allow for authenticaiton of users that do not have MS accounts, you need to set the following:
Manditory Configuration: You will need to override at least the following variables in your settings. You can look at the file file for an overview of all configuration options.
## Add this to the top of your list of project urls
path('', include('django_msal.urls')),
Note: django_msal should generally be at the top of your urls list in order to take precedence over urls from other apps.
# django_msal uses the following urls by default
# these can all be configured by overriding settings (see
landing/ # where to go after successful login
Overriding urls from admin app: django_msal overrides the following urls in order to make users login via Microsoft sign in and in order to remove options to reset Django password.
# django_msal also overrides some urls from the DJango admin app
# Note: if you have your admin urls somewhere other than admin/, you can change this via a setting DJANGO_MSAL_ADMIN_PATH
admin/password_change/ # Not overridden if DJANGO_MSAL_ALLOW_DJANGO_USER
admin/password_change/done/ # Not overridden if DJANGO_MSAL_ALLOW_DJANGO_USER
admin/auth/user/<int>/password/ # Not overridden if DJANGO_MSAL_ALLOW_DJANGO_USER
The django_msal app has two intial migrations along with a management command that can be used to
# Runs the first two migrations that setup the database and create new MicrosoftUsers for current Users
python migrate
# Management command that will attempt to link existing users with MS accounts based on email addresses.
python link_ms_accounts
django_msal creates a MicrosoftUser that is associated with the normal Django User model via a OneToOneField. It should handle custom user models via the AUTH_USER_MODEL setting. A signal is used to create a new MicrosoftUser whenever a Django User is created. A data migration is used to create MicrosoftUsers for any existing Users during initial setup.