Sheet is a jquery plugin that displays a lightbox-style "modal" for inline content.
- Small: 2.8k uncompressed
- It's responsive, duh
- Accepts data attributes or href/title to define the sheet's content and title (plugin options can also set title)
- Uses aria-hidden, aria-labelledby, and role="alertdialog" for accessibility
- Click events bound to the document, using bubbling
- Can fire off sheets from within a sheet! (replaces current sheet content)
- onOpen and onClose callbacks
- as a rule, clicking outside of sheet dismisses the sheet (because clicking the little 'x' feels silly)
- resize/reposition the sheet on window resize. Size and position is CSS-controlled.
- show multiple sheets at once. Sheets are created and destroyed.
- add any CSS styles except for the final top position (for animation)
- rewritten completely to support multiple instances with separate options and callbacks
- support for autoplay of video
- can dismiss a sheet with javascript using $('.sheet').data('dismiss')()
- browser testing (Chrome may have autoplayVideo problems, at least it does for me. Urg.)