This repo contains a docker compose file that can be leveraged to create distinct datacenters by project name, defaulting to dc1
There is no concept of a node in this environment (well, really, it's one), but the deployment virtually models what would "normally" be associated with a VM-based environment.
[and prepare license secret, if using enterprise] -
Create the agent private certificate authority
cd secrets/ && consul tls ca create
NOTE we're not enforcing any form of TLS just yet... -
docker compose [-p dc1] up [compose-service-group] -d # UPDATE: set to three server instances in compose.yaml # optionally scale services #docker compose up --scale consul-server=3 -d # UPDATE: used compose dns to automatically join # manually join the cluster because I haven't found a good way # to leverage scaling and unique hostnames for a service #CMD="consul join $(docker network inspect dc1_lan_serf | \ # jq -r ' [ .[].Containers[] # | select(.Name | contains("consul-server-1")| not ) # | .IPv4Address ] | join(" ")' \ #)" #docker exec dc1-consul-server-1 ${CMD//\/16/} && ( sleep 5 ; docker exec dc1-consul-server-1 consul operator raft list-peers )
whereX < 4
CONSUL_DATACENTER="dcX" docker compose -p ${CONSUL_DATACENTER} up -d # UPDATE: no longer necessary #CMD="consul join $(docker network inspect "${CONSUL_DATACENTER}_lan_serf" | \ # jq -r ' [ .[].Containers[] # | select(.Name | contains("consul-server-1")| not ) # | .IPv4Address ] | join(" ")' \ #)" #docker exec "${CONSUL_DATACENTER}-consul-server-1" ${CMD//\/16/} && ( sleep 5 ; docker exec "${CONSUL_DATACENTER}-consul-server-1" consul operator raft list-peers )
Traditional Federation with no direct service-to-service routing between datacenters (IE: service catalog only inter-dc)
- Inter-DC Service Look-up
docker exec dc1-consul-server-1 \ nslookup -port=8600 dashboard.service.dc<X>.consul
- Distinct/Independent Services per DC
- ...
WAN Federation with no direct service-to-service routing, a mesh gateway enables a routable path
- Cross-DC Discovery Chain-based failover capabilities
- ...
Packet Sniffing
- Counting:
tcpdump -i eth0 -s0 -nA 'not port (8301 or 8300) and not arp'
- Dashboard:
- No Connect:
curl -s counting.service.consul:9001 # payload visible in clear text
- Connect:
curl -s localhost:9001 # payload encrypted
- No Connect: