A sample application for the National University of Singapore's FintechSG Programme. This sample NUSmoney app features HTML-CSS-Javascript frontend, Node.js backend and MySQL database.
This repo consists of the folders:
/frontend HTML, CSS, Javascript code for the frontend client
/backend Node.js code for the backend server
/database_sample Sample data to load into your MySQL database
To clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/jscheele/nusmoneysample.git
Not included are:
- Database connection parameters. You will need to create a .env file in the /backend folder to contain connection parameters for your MySQL database. The .env_sample file contains a list of the parameters you need to set.
- Database server. The backend server uses the node.js mysql module to connect to a MySQL server. The MySQL server itself is not provided, but sample data is available in the /database_sample folder.
- Node modules. You will need to initialise a node.js project in the /backend folder:
npm init /* initialise a new node.js application */
npm install --save mysql express cors dotenv /* install the modules required by the backend */
To execute the code:
- In the /backend server folder, execute the node.js application with:
node main.js
- In the /frontend folder, open index.html in your browser