- Irssi
- Github token
- Some
- Tmux
- Oh-my-zsh
- httpie
- rbenv
- pyenv
- pyenv-virtualenv
- Kitty Themes
- Ag
- RipGrep
- Flameshoot
- Conky
- Rofi Launcher
- Nitrogen
- Ueberzug
- Starship
- Delta
- Trayer
- JetBrains Nerd Font Patched
- Fira Code Nerd Font Patched
- 3270 Nerd Font
- Custom Iosevka Nerd Font
- Font Awesome
- jq
- yq
- zoxide
- Check in your terminal whether italic font is supported:
echo -e "\e[3mitalic\e[23m"
- Also check for:
infocmp $TERM | grep sitm
sgr0=\E(B\E[m, sitm=\E[3m, smacs=\E(0, smam=\E[?7h,
infocmp $TERM | grep ritm
ri=\EM, rin=\E[%p1%dT, ritm=\E[23m, rmacs=\E(B,
If nothing is being returned, italics could be enabled following the next steps:
- Create a file named screen-256color.terminfo with the following content:
# A screen-256color based TERMINFO that adds the escape sequences for italic.
# Install:
# tic screen-256color.terminfo
# Usage:
# export TERM=screen-256color
screen-256color|screen with 256 colors and italic,
sitm=\E[3m, ritm=\E[23m,
- Execute the command:
tic screen-256color.terminfo
- Add the following lines to .vimrc (in case you are running vim, within Neovim is a default):
set t_ZH=^[[3m
set t_ZR=^[[23m
NOTE: ^[ must be typed with <C-V><Esc>
- Add the following line to .tmux.conf:
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
NOTE: If step 3 does not work, tmux should be started using the following command:
$ env TERM=screen-256color tmux
# fontconfig stuff
yay -S fontconfig lib32-fontconfig ttf-roboto-fontconfig nerd-fonts-fontconfig
yay -S freetype2 lib32-freetype2 cairo siji-git ttf-unifont xorg-fonts-misc ttf-font-awesome
# another tools
yay -S picom-git xscreensaver trayer-srg
yay -S lua conky blueman arandr lxappearance nitrogen xorg-xrandr redshift acpi parcellite
# i3 stuff
sudo pacman -S i3 i3-gaps i3lock i3status i3blocks
# Xmonad stuff
sudo pacman -S xmonad xmonad-contrib xmonad-utils xmobar xmonad-log
- To @siduck for his great job with NvChad and chadwm
- Derek Taylor for his great job special with xmonad, Check his repo