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PlatformIO based Template for ESP32 platform supporting MQTT, OTA flashing, NTP and (timed) DeepSleep.

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A template for ESP32 programming using VSC + PlatformIO supporting MQTT, OTA-flashing, Battery supply voltage readout and ESP Deep-Sleep.

Local Requirements

A (local) MQTT broker is mandatory for this firmware.
Additionally, personal settings like WIFI SSID and Passphrase will be taken from local environment variables, see platformio.ini.

An important notice on MQTT usage

Until v1.1.0, it was neccessary to have retained messages available for every subscribed topic. This was due to the main intention of this firmware to run on a MCU that is powered off (sleeping) most of the time. To ensure that the MCU will receive all messages for subscribed topics "instantly" at firmware startup (after sleeping in example) and does not need to wait for someone to publish "latest news", an endless loop was implemented to wait for messages of all subscribed topics (maximizing battery lifetime by minimizing MCU uptime).
Since v1.2.0 it is possible to change this behavior in platformio.ini with the define switch WAIT_FOR_SUBSCRIPTIONS. Do note that you have to ensure that you do not rely on MQTT messages (like configuration data) in your firmware that might not have been received yet.


In addition to the platformio.ini file, see header files in the include/ folder for additional settings.
Configureable settings (include/*-config.h) should be documented well enough there - hopefully wink.

MQTT Topics used

In order to run OTA updates, you will need at least the following MQTT topics on your broker (case sensitive) to be pre-created with the default retained message so ESP can subscribe to them:

  • topic/tree/OTAupdate - default retained Message: off
    This will be translated to a bool variable in the sketch. You will need to set the topic value either to "on" or "off". During normal operation, this Topic needs to be set to "off". If you want to run an OTA-update on your ESP, set it to "on" (retained).
    After a successful update, the ESP will reset this flag to "off".

  • topic/tree/OTAinProgress - default retained Message: off
    This is a helper flag topic required by the ESP.

  • topic/tree/OTAstatus - default Message: none
    The ESP will publish OTA status strings here. No need to pre-create this topic, sketch does not subscribe to it (only publish).

  • topic/tree/Vbat - default Message: none
    The sketch will publish the voltage measured on the configured ADC pin here. Note that we do not subscribe to this topic, we only publish to it.
    NOTE: Reading VCC seems to work fine on WEMOS S2 Mini boards with external voltage divider (12k / 3k6) as well as an 100nF ceramtic capacitor attached between the ADC pin and GND. It is also possible to read VCC through a GPIO pin set to output HIGH, the results are the same as reading VCC directly (in my tests). This will help you save power in DeepSleep, so you don't have current running through the ADC voltage divider all the time.

  • topic/tree/SleepUntil - default Message: none
    If SLEEP_UNTIL is enabled in platformio.ini, you can send a message containing a unix epoch time value (32bit signed long, encoded in hexadecimal base) to this topic and the ESP will sleep until the set time, supposed that a valid NTP time has been received and the given wake-up-time is in the future. The message may start with "0x", upper and lower case supported.

Importance of ClientName Setting

Note that the ClientName configured in the platformio.ini file will also be used as the hostname reported to your DHCP server when the ESP fetches an IP-address. This is especially important, as OTA-flashing will also require your networking environment to be able to resolve this hostname to the ESP's IP-address!
See upload_portsetting in the platformio.ini file. If you're having troubles with OTA-flashing, you might want to check that first by pinging the configured ClientName.

Compiling and flashing walkthrough

I will give a rough walkthrough on the first steps, assuming you have a working PlatformIO environment:

  • Prepare system environment variables with WIFI and MQTT Data:
    • WIFI_PSK
    • MQTT_BROKER --> IP-Address of your broker
    • OTA_PWD --> Passphrase to use for OTA updates
  • Adopt ClientName in platformio.ini as needed
  • Prepare platformio.ini for wired flashing Deactivate OTA-flashing in the board specific area:
;upload_protocol = ${common_env_data.upload_protocol}
;upload_port = ${common_env_data.upload_port}
;upload_flags = ${common_env_data.upload_flags}
  • Adopt board info (platformio.ini) and hardware settings in include/hardware-config.h if needed
  • Compile and flash

To re-flash the sketch OTA:

  • Prepare platformio.ini for OTA flashing Activate OTA-flashing in the board specific area of the active board:
upload_protocol = ${common_env_data.upload_protocol}
upload_port = ${common_env_data.upload_port}
upload_flags = ${common_env_data.upload_flags}
  • Set topic topic/tree/OTAupdate retained "on"
  • wait for the ESP to start up (or reset your ESP)
  • When the ESP boots, it will slowly blink the onboard LED until all MQTT topics are received
  • After that, the onboard LED will start flashing rapidly. The ESP is now waiting for the new binary to be uploaded
  • Click "Upload" in PIO to compile and upload the new sketch
  • When the upload has finished, the ESP will boot the new sketch and finish the OTA update process by setting topic/tree/OTAinProgress and topic/tree/OTAupdate to "off".
  • You can verify the status by reading the topic/tree/OTAstatus topic, which should throw the string "update_success".

OTA Update and the firewall

Your OTA flashing might fail with the following error:

Sending invitation to esp32-test 
20:31:25 [INFO]: Waiting for device...
20:31:35 [ERROR]: No response from device
*** [upload] Error 1

If you run Windows, make sure that your local firewall (where you run VSC) allows C:\Users\your_username\.platformio\python3\python.exe to freely communicate (Any protocols, any ports - inbound and outbound; use the full path as described, do not use %USERPROFILE% environment variable, it won't work!).

Adding your own code to the template

To add your own functionality to the template, you will need to adopt the following files:

  • include/mqtt-ota-config.h
    Update the TOPTREE to your needs. If required, adopt MQTT_MAX_MSG_SIZE as needed (defaults to 20 bytes). These defines may also be set in user_config.h, which will override the settings in this file.

  • include/user-config.h
    Define/declare your topics along with required global vars and libs here.

  • src/user_setup_loop.cpp
    Add your desired functionality to the user_loop and user_setup functions.

  • src/mqtt-subscriptions.cpp
    Add an array element to the MqttSubscriptions struct array, in example:

{.Topic = ota_topic, .Type = 0, .Subscribed = false, .MsgRcvd = 0, .BoolPtr = &OTAupdate }

The following data types are supported (parameter Type):

  • BOOL (Type = 0) Use the .BoolPtr to point to a global bool variable where you want to store the received messages for this topic. The BOOL type expects either "on" or "off" text messages to be received from the subscribed topic.

  • INT (Type = 1) Use the .IntPtr to point to a global int variable. The String function .toInt() will be used to decode the message to an integer value.

  • FLOAT (Type = 2) Use the .FloatPtr to point to a global float variable. The String function .toFloat() will be used to decode the message to a float value. Make sure to use dots as decimal point in your messages.

  • time_t (Type = 3) Use the .TimePtr to point to a global time_t variable, which can hold a Unix epoch timestamp. The function strtol(msgString.c_str(), NULL, 16) will be used to decode the message to a time_t value. Message will be decoded from a hexadecimal base, "0x" prefix optional, upper and lower case supported.

  • char array / string (Type = 4) Use the .stringPtr to point to a global char array variable. The function strcp will be used to directly copy the message payload (extended with a null terminator) to a char arry. Attention: Initialize your char array with MQTT_MAX_MSG_SIZE, which is defined in mqtt-ota-topic.h.

Note on delays and MQTT communication

I have tried to get rid of the delay()s implemented to allow background WiFi processing (by using WiFiClient.flush instead of delays and configuring WiFiClient.setNoDelay), but i was not able to get satisfying MQTT communication without them. Either it took too long to fetch new messages from subscribed topics, or sending new messages crashed (resetted) the ESP.
My recommendation is, to make sure to add at least a 100ms delay after sending a bunch of MQTT messages. You may also want to use the MqttDelayfunction if you add longer delays (above 200ms), as it will automatically call the PubSubClient loop function to fetch new MQTT messages every 200ms of delay.
In addition, i have added a user_loop runtime specific delay in the main loop in v1.0.4: if the user_loop takes less than 100ms for execution, a 100ms delay will execute in the main loop.

Behavior on WiFi or MQTT broker connection failures

Since v1.2.0 it is possible to select the desired behavior of the firmware at network or broker connection errors through platformio.ini:

  • Reboot ESP (NET_OUTAGE=0) This was the behavior until v1.1.0. Reboot ESP until the network or broker connection failure recovers.

  • Run locally (NET_OUTAGE=1) This will keep the firmware running even without a network connection. It will automatically try to recover the connection to the MQTT broker every NET_RECONNECT_INTERVAL (configurable in wifi_config.h, defaults to 1 minute). The firmware will also boot without a broker being available, thus you have to make sure that you have suitable default values programmed into your firmware wherever needed.

Note on using newer ESP32 chips (ESP32-C6)

As of version 1.4.0, the template supports most recent ESP32 chips (tested with ESP32-C6) which are no longer supported by PlatformIO due to bickering between the PIO team and Espressif. Note that these chips require a fork of PIO, named pioarduino. At the time of writing, it is not necessary to remove PlatformIO VSC extension and install pioarduino, instead it is enough to use the following platform in the platformio.ini file:

platform =

Do note that this setup is rather unstable. If you want to move back to the original platform = espressif32 in your platformio.ini, it is possible that you have to remove the whole %USERPROFILE%\.platformio from your system. Else you might run into an issue that all seems to build and upload well (in example an a ESP32-S2), but the firmware will not boot.

Version History

Release v1.0.0

Initial Release

Release v1.0.1

  • Major code cleanup

Release v1.0.2

  • Moved user specific stuff into dedicated files / functions (user_setup and user_loop)
  • Disabled VCC readouts for WEMOS S2 Mini board
  • Added description for wired programming of WEMOS S2 Mini in platformio.ini

Release v1.0.3

  • Added MqttDelay function which handles MQTT connection/subscriptions while delaying
  • Some minor changes which may improve OTA-update handling in some cases
  • README update on ClientName limitation (no dashes allowed)

Release v1.0.4

  • Fixed ClientName limitation
  • Added ESP reboot when cancelling OTA Update
  • Added user_loop runtime dependent 100ms delay in main loop (for WiFi background task handling)

Release v1.1.0

  • Reworked MQTT subscriptions
  • OTA updating support now mandatory

Release v1.2.0

  • Added selectable firmware behavior on network and/or MQTT broker outages
  • Added define switch in platformio.ini to allow not to wait for incoming messages on all subscribed topics at firmware boot

Release v1.3.0

  • Added optional SNTP client support (enable in platformio.ini, configure in time-config.h)
  • Added optional support to sleep until a given epoch time (enable in platformio.ini)
  • Added option to measure DeepSleep time to decrease clock skew during sleep (enable in time-config.h)
  • Extended MQTT-Subscriptions with type time_t
  • Added option to use the more precise 8MHz/256 clock for the RTC, which should decrease time-drifts during DeepSleep (increases DeepSleep current for 5-20µA however)
  • user_loop runtime dependent delay now configurable in platformio.ini
  • Enable / Tested VCC readouts on ADC1_2 (GPIO3) for S2-Mini boards (Tested with ESP-Mini-Base)
  • Added option to start with WiFi disabled (enable in platformio.ini)
  • Added wifi_up() and wifi_down() functions which handle everything to bring networking/MQTT/NTP/OTA-flashing up and down

Release v1.3.1

  • Extended MQTT-Subscriptions with type string (char array)
  • Switched MsgRcvd from type bool to uint32_t to be able to keep track if new messages arrive for subscribed topics (increases on new message arrival)
  • Minor bugfixes

Release v1.3.2

  • Fixed bug in handling EpochTime and TimeInfo variables, they are now also updated when WiFi is off
  • Minor improvement to allow re-defining MQTT settings in user-config.h to allow over-writing mqtt-ota-config.h when upgrading to a new framework version

Release v1.3.3

  • Added ability to delay DeepSleep (either E32_DEEP_SLEEPor SLEEP_UNTIL); as long as DelayDeepSleep flag is true, the framework will keep looping
  • JustBooted global flag available; true when running main loop for the first time, then set to false

WiP v1.4.0

  • Support new ESP32-C6 (Mini) boards using Espressif IDF v5.x release (NOTE: creates 250kB larger firmware binaries probably due to new features like WPA3 and IPv6!); this is WiP, compilation, WiFI and serial monitor work, rest untested yet
  • changed default 4MB partition scheme for ESP32-C6 to maximize available flash for application (~1.9MB instead of ~1.3MB); this minimizes available SPIFFS partition to 132kB
  • Added option to reset ESP after configurable network downtime / broker unreachability (see wifi-config.h)
  • During a net outage, try to recover with a wifi-down() and wifi-up() when WiFi is disconnected
  • Minor improvement in MqttConnectToBroker function
  • Added uptime counter (global var UptimeSeconds)
  • Fixed serial monitor output for ESP32-C6
  • Fixed ESP32-C6 compilation errors (see platformio.ini settings in [platformio] section if you run into "file not found" errors when compiling in Windows OS)
  • Switched ESP32-C6 board to correct one with 4MB flash
  • Fixed possible endless loop if connection to broker fails while subscribing to MQTT topics
  • Added config define to set QoS for MQTT subscriptions (see SUB_QOS in platformio.ini)


PlatformIO based Template for ESP32 platform supporting MQTT, OTA flashing, NTP and (timed) DeepSleep.






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