Demo Video:
This package allows you to instantly reload files in the browser. We've only tested that Blaze HTML/JS/CSS files work well, but any code that can be reloaded by being eval'ed on the client should work. At some point in the future, support for:
- server side reloading
- a wider variety of file types will be added (React templates, meteor methods, meteor publications, etc.)
This is a dev-only package so you don't have to worry about it being deployed to prod.
meteor add qualia:reval
Visit localhost:3000/reval/edit?filePath=/path/to/some/file.html|js|css
. This will load the file into Ace (an in-browser code editor). Typing CMD+s
will reload the file in your browser and CMD+S
will save your changes to disk.
This mode is primarily for testing qualia:reval
, although you could use it for development if you want. A better way of using qualia:reval
is via an editor plugin. Currently there are plugins for Sublime Text and Spacemacs (see the plugins/
folder), but it is extremely simple to write new plugins; just POST
the text of the file you want to reload to localhost:3000/reval/reload?filePath=/path/to/some/file.html|js|css
This is still under active development and may undergo backwards-incompatible changes. I hacked this together pretty quickly, so it might break. The as-you-type functionality shown in the demo is implemented at the editor level and not yet included in the published plugins.