ROS1 driver for the Robomaster S1 and Robomaster EP through the official SDK. This driver was developed on ROS Noetic.
Connect the robot to the same WiFi as your PC. As far as I know, the SDK should be enabled by default.
On the S1, you need to have the device rooted. This is a fairly simple process for which you can find the tutorial on this Reddit post. Just follow the instructions in the README
file in the provided folder.
Install the robomaster python sdk by
pip3 install robomaster
Install catkin tools by executing
sudo apt install python3-catkin-tools
Then, create a catkin workspace and clone this repo into it, together with its dependency catkin_simple
mkdir catkin_ws && cd catkin_ws && mkdir src
catkin init
git clone src/catkin_simple
git clone src/robomaster_ros
Then, install the ROS dependencies by
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Finally, build the workspace
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
As soon as the robot and the PC are connected to the same WiFi, you should be able to run the driver by
roslaunch robomaster_driver robomaster_driver.launch
In a second terminal, you can launch the teleoperation and visualizazion
roslaunch robomaster_driver teleop.launch
This will allow you to control the robot with an attached XBOX controller and see the state in rviz (together with the camera image!). Hold LB
and control the linear velocities with the left and the angular velocity with the right stick.