Hey there!
Welcome to Julie.help!
This project was built focusing on getting better at a few languages, best practices and building a portfolio. I'm glad to be here, if you have suggestions please let me know.
Julie.help! is a small system that uses a MySQL database and RESTful endpoints.
The project is a coworking management system which brings a modern interface using the best development technologies.
I hope you enjoy the experience!
Node.JS, Express, TypeScript, MySQL, Knex.JS, Faker.JS, Crypto.JS, and Jest.
Run the following commands:
1. make setup-docker
2. npm install
3. make build-db
4. make create-dotenv
5. npm run server
6. make run-tests
Storybook: https://621664a7961531003ab6b7d3-cupullqnvv.chromatic.com/?path=/story/example-introduction--page
Front-end repository: https://github.com/juliekohl/julie-help-frontend
Video demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xioKcfLxMdA