September 2020
tl;dr: Work the geometric reasoning with pseudo-inverse optimization into the neural network.
KM3D-Net is based on the previous work from the same author, RTM3D. KM3D-Net is highly practical, and works the 3D geometry reasoning module into the neural network to speed things up. Geometric constraint modules in Deep3DBox, FQNet and RTM3D are time consuming.
The semi-supervised learning approach is quite interesting and showed that it is possible to get meaningful results just from as few as 500 labeled images. Maybe it is a good direction to dig with the self-consistency cues in UR3D and MoVi-3D. The self-supervised learning are done on
The removal of the depth prediction directly from the neural network makes it possible to do geometric data augmentation and introduce self-supervised loss.
This is the currently the SOTA, much better than previous SOTA M3D-RPN.
A quick summary of CenterNet monocular 3D object detection.
- CenterNet predicts 2D bbox center and uses it as 3D bbox center.
- SMOKE predicts projected 3D bbox center.
- KM3D-Net and Center3D predict 2D bbox center and offset from projected 3D bbox center.
- Architecture
- Work GRM (geometry reasoning module) into the neural network.
- Semi-supervised training: consensus loss between the prediction of the same unlabeled image under different input data aug.
- Keypoint dropout in the process of training geometry reasoning module. Note that we only need to solve for 3 DoF location, and thus ideally with 2 keypoints we can already recover the 3D bbox. This is confirmed in Ablation study (Fig. 4) that with only two keypoints, the performance can be already reasonable, and no obvious improvements beyond using 4 keypoints.
- The prediction of the 9 points are all formulated as offset regression from the main center instead of heatmaps. This is different from previous work of RTM3D where all 9 points are predicted via heatmaps. This paper reasons that heatmap prediction of keypoints are semantically ambiguous and cannot estimate the keypoints of the truncated region. --> this makes perfect sense.
- Depth guided L1 loss: initial L1 at near distance, but log when far.
- The self-supervised loss may be used for object detection? Fliplr and add consistency loss.